- Bright Horizons Center
- Instructional Services
Instructional Services
The students' needs are met by individualizing the curriculum in the areas of functional academics, independent functioning skills, social /emotional skills and communication skills. These areas are defined during the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process when the committee members provide input for the formulation of the IEP goals and objectives. Evaluating the IEP goals and conducting Alternate Assessment tools such as the Brigance, Comprehensive Planning Handbook (CPH) and Student Portfolios assess the students’ progress.
Maximizing the use of technology and improving the communication skills of each student address the learning needs of our students. Technologies are infused throughout the school and are an integral part of the daily activities for students.
The integration of technology into the learning process allows for a variety approaches to meet the needs of each student. In addition, the school provides more computers, adaptive devices and special software for learning new skills and reinforcing embedded skills. Utilizing assistive technology and augmentative communication devices enhance the communication skills of each student.
Support is provided to teachers in implementing alternate assessments and the collection of student data. Assessment Learning Communities are facilitated for the improvement of teaching and instruction related to data analysis of the Sunshine State Standards for student with disabilities. A comprehensive student portfolio to assess functional skills and the Sunshine State Standards for students with moderate to severe disabilities has been developed for each student.