- Driftwood Middle
- Clubs and Activities
Get Involved

Clubs and organizations are a great way to help develop character and the skills that will benefit you in school, your career, and in life. Skills like commitment, leadership, effective communication, and being able to work successfully in a group all come from participating in a club or organization. Joining a club is a great way to make friends, develop leadership skills, and boost your college resumé.
Clubs and Activities
Student Government Association (SGA)
Assistant Principal: Ms. LopezSGA Advisor: Ms. JohnsonThe SGA provides a unique opportunity for students to serve as effective leaders and role models for all stakeholders. SGA is an organization which focuses on creating a positive school environment, where leadership and service are valued.Goals of DMS SGA:- To help students develop leadership skillsDMS SGA Elected Positions:The SGA will be comprised of the following positions for each grade level (6, 7, & 8):- President- Vice-President- Secretary- TreasurerQualifications:- All officers must be in good academic standing with a clean behavioral record and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA or higher.- Candidates must be available to attend regularly scheduled meetings.Completed SGA application forms, including parent permission form, must be turned to participate. -
Spanish Club
Chess Club
Youth Crime Watch
Orange Bowl Academy
First Priority
Glee Club
Anime Art Club
Students will be able to work on creating Anime with a general theme of community-building in our class, school, city, state, nation, and the world. In addition to writing, drawing, and using technology, students will also create ideas for crafting characters, and opportunities to research and explore the Japanese culture.
Sponsor: Mr. Darcy, Ms. Aveni, Mr. Sosa
National Junior Honor Society (N.J.H.S.)
Sponsor: Ms. Bennett
Meetings: Will be held in the Media Center
Developed in 1929, NJHS was established to recognize amazing middle school students that have demonstrated commitment to its values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. All 8th graders who have a cumulative 3.5 GPA and are interested in joining Driftwood Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), please complete an application.
Future Florida Educators of America [FFEA]
FFEA Club is a fun and exciting way to learn about education. FFEA helps students to explore teaching as a career and provide them with a realistic understanding of teaching. Nevertheless, FFEA helps fellow peers to learn skills such as responsibility and leadership.Club Mentor : Ms. KanazehAll grades are welcome.