- North Lauderdale Elementary
- S.O.U.L
Clubs and organizations are a great way to help develop character and the skills that will benefit you in school, your career, and in life. Skills like commitment, leadership, effective communication, and being able to work successfully in a group all come from participating in a club or organization. Joining a club is a great way to make friends, develop leadership skills, and boost your college resumé.

North Lauderdal Pre-K - 8 offers a wide range of extracurricular activities and clubs.
(Student Organizations for Universal Learning)
Program Overview:
S.O.U.L is designed to assist students in discovering and learning about the arts and other vocations. Students will be exposed to different types of performing arts and vocational programs. While attending these classes, students will learn how to use their imagination skills to enhance creativity. This will allow students the chance to work cooperatively with others and express themselves through talents and skills.
- Debate led by Ms. Hawkins- “If you have something to prove, join the debate team!”
- Cheerleading led by Ms. Horne- “Do you have what it takes to be an N.L.E. Cheerleader? Show your school spirit by joining the North Lauderdale Elementary Cheerleading Squad!”
- Aviation Club led by Ms. Azeem & Mr. Fursetzer- “Calling all future pilots and scientists! Join our Soaring Lions Aviation Club, where we will embark on an exciting journey into the world of aviation. Through hands-on activities and engaging lessons, we'll explore the fascinating science behind flight and inspire a lifelong love for all things aviation.”
- Cooking led by Ms. Ricks- “Come and learn how to make your favorite dishes. From breakfast to desert, we will learn it all!”
- Meet the Masters led by Ms. Gottlieb- “We will learn about many different artists and re-create the paintings and drawings they are famous for!”
- Basketball led by Mr. Patrick- “Come and learn the great game of basketball from a professional!”
- Bow Ties, Gowns, and Gardening led by Ms. T. Williams- “We will be working in our school’s garden and learn how to cultivate the garden. We will also be collecting suits and gowns for proms, dances, and graduations.”
- Kindness Club led by Ms. Welch- “You will learn how to be kind to others and most importantly how to be kind to yourselves. It is always cool to be kind!”
- Drawing & Painting by Ms. F. Williams- “Learn how to paint and hone in on your art skills!”
- Girls Scout led by Dr. Barrett and Ms. Lindo- “Girl Scouts helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect.”
SOUL Rules:
Students must picked up before 2pm, only 1 late pick up is allowed. The second time the student is picked up late, the student will be dismissed from the SOUL program.
Students must always exhibit good behavior, if a SOUL teacher is not pleased with a student’s behavior that student will be dismissed from the program. Being a part of SOUL is a privilege.
Parents, please acknowledge that you have read and understand all SOUL rules by signing below:
Child’s name: _____________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________ Parent number:________________
How does your student go home? Please put a check mark by one of the following:
Car _____ East Walker ______ West Walker ______
SOUL FEES: All clubs are $20.00 (non-refundable) to join. Some clubs require additional funding for supplies:
Cooking total fee is $30
SOUL club preference: Please mark 1, 2, or 3 next to the clubs you would like to be involved in. 1 means that the club is your first choice, 2 is second choice, and 3 is your last choice. If you are not selected for your 1st or 2nd preferred club, please do not express displeasure for your 3rd option, that will get you dismissed from the SOUL program. Only 10-15 students will be allowed per club. Only 10-15 students will be allowed per club.
Meet the Masters (3rd-5th grade) _____ Bow Ties, Gowns, and Gardening (2nd-5th grade) ___
Cooking (3rd-5th grade) _____ Kindness Club (3rd-5th grade) _____
Drawing & Painting (3rd-5th grade) _____ Cheerleading (1st-5th grade) _____
Basketball (3rd-5th grade) ______ Girl Scouts (2nd-5th grade) _____
Debate (3rd-5th grade) _____
Aviation (2nd-5th grade) _____
WHEN: OCT. 10th to FEB. 6th
- Debate led by Ms. Hawkins- “If you have something to prove, join the debate team!”