- Norcrest Elementary
- Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Greetings Norcrest family;
Welcome to Norcrest Elementary School. I look forward to working with our staff, parents, and community to serve our students.
I look forward to continuing in the tradition of pursuing greatness through high-quality instruction in a safe and supportive environment using effective communication as we continue to strive for academic excellence.
I am dedicated on creating the elementary experience our students deserve and an experience to be remembered, full of memories and to last for a lifetime.
The staff and I look forward to serving you and we hope that you are as proud as we are to be part of the Norcrest Elementary family!
I am eager to assist in any way I can and please feel free to reach out via email maximo.castillo@browardschools.com or phone 754-322-7250.
I encourage you to visit our school’s page frequently with updates.
Have a tigerific day!
Max Castillo