Cypress Elementary's Student Pledge

    •  I promise to use my time and my talents wisely.
    •  I will work hard and be the best I can be, because I am special.
    •  I will do things that are wholesome to have a healthy life.
    •  I will respect my parents and my teachers and all my fellow classmates. I will obey the rules of my school and grow up to be a good citizen. 
    • All of these I will do faithfully for the good of myself, my school my community and my country.

    ~ Written by Mrs. Rowe… our teacher

Student Success

  • Be Accountable
    How is one expected to be accountable at school? You may ask yourself, what can I do?  Well, here are some examples that will help you succeed. 

    • Follow dress code
    • Display positive interaction
    • Carrying all belongings needed for school

    Use these examples on how to be accountable and you will help ensure your success. 

Be Responsible

  • All students are expected to be responsible at school. You may ask yourself, what does this mean?  Here are some examples that will help you succeed.  
    • Arrive on time 
    • During the classroom period, leave and enter class with a pass 
    • If approved to park on campus, use only assigned student parking areas

    Following this simple expectation of being responsible and the listed examples can help ensure your success.

Display Self-Control

  • How is one expected to display self-control at school? You may ask yourself, how can I do that? Here are some examples that will help you succeed. 

    • Comply with instructions and directions 
    • Accept boundaries of others in hallways
    • Move to class quickly without delay

    Use these examples in displaying self-control and you will help ensure your success. 

Road to Success

  • Student Success Step Ladder showing stick figure students ranging from "I won't" to"I will" - Success