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  • Regional Superintendents and Associate Superintendent Offices

    The Regional Superintendents and Associate Superintendent Offices are tasked with providing direct responses to parents and community members regarding school concerns. These offices work with schools and involved stakeholders to resolve complaints.

    According to Florida Statute 1012.34, parents may have input into a teacher or administrator’s evaluation. If a parent would like to provide input into a teacher’s evaluation, please contact one of the school’s administrators, and for an assistant principal’s evaluation, please contact the school’s principal. This input must be provided via writing or calling the school.

    Parents provide input into the principal’s evaluation annually by completing the school’s stakeholder survey. Schools provide the link to this electronic survey through the school newsletter, website, and/or social media.  Principals’ supervisors use the results of the survey as they evaluate principals.

    Learn more about Regional Superintendents / School Transformation Offices

    Learn more about Employee Evaluations