Principal's Message

  • Greetings Pioneer Eagle Families,

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. I would first like to congratulate everyone on their continued success both in and out of the classroom during the 2023-2024 school year. Pioneer continues to be one of the top ranked middle schools in Broward County year after year. That consistency of success is a tribute to our staff, students, parents and community. Congratulations to all!

    We will greatly miss our 8th graders and wish them well on their journey in high school. Remember, once and Eagle, always and Eagle. With that in mind, we are excited to welcome back our returning 7th and 8th graders. We look forward to guiding you on the next steps of your middle school journey. We can't wait to see and celebrate your many accomplishments.

    And of course we are also excited to welcome our new Eagles, our incoming 6th graders. The transition to middle school can be challenging, but the Pioneer staff will be here every step of the way for our 6th grade students, as well as their families, to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible. We are excited to get to know all of you and watch you thrive at Pioneer.

    Pioneer has a long-standing tradition of success both in and out of the classroom. That is a tribute to the talented and loving staff we have here at Pioneer. It is also a tribute to our parents and the entire Cooper City community. A dedicated staff, combined with supportive parents, helps us ensure that we maximize every child's potential.

    That is our goal, to make sure that every child who attends Pioneer gets the love and support they need to be the very best they can be. We aim to provide the highest quality instruction while also supporting the growth of the whole child. Focusing on social-emotional learning, mental health, and character education is an integral component of the Pioneer Middle experience. We also encourage students to participate in athletics, band, chorus, robotics, woodshop, computer classes, and anything else that they feel passionate about. We want all our children to enjoy coming to school, feel safe, and get the most out of each day.

    I encourage all our parents to stay highly involved in their child's education. Please keep a close eye on your child's assignments, homework, and grades. We encourage all parents to attend at least one, but preferably two, parent conferences per year. Conferences can be set up by calling our front office. We take tremendous pride in our communication and want to make sure that we are always working together for the benefit of each student.

    Throughout the school year, we primarily communicate via email, so make sure to list the most current email address on your emergency contact card. The Pioneer Middle website is our one-stop-shop for everything you need. If you are ever uncertain about something, please check the website. If you still have questions, please call our front office.

    The staff and I are extremely proud to serve you, and we hope that you are as proud as we are to be Pioneer Eagles! Let's have a phenomenal 2024-2025 school year!


    Robert Pappas