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Athletics Information

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    It is with great pleasure that WMS Athletics welcomes you. Westglades Athletics tries to make the transition for your child and you as smoothly as possible to middle school.

    During the school year, the Broward County Middle School Athletic Association offers several sports that your child may try out for. Westglades Middle School has been extremely successful in interscholastic sports over the years, recently winning two County Championships and seven division titles over the past two school years.

    Due to a change in Broward County Middle School Athletic Association policy, all students interested in trying out for a school team must submit permission/proof of insurance form, copy of insurance card, and proof of a current physical that extends through the sports season before being allowed to attend tryouts for any sport. The physical form cannot be on the FHSAA form. Please have the doctor complete and upload only PAGE 4 of the Athletic Physical Forms. The permission/proof of insurance form are available on www.Westglades.com and www.Registermyathlete.com. All forms must be submitted on the website www.registermyathlete.com. Please visit this site, register your child, print forms, and then upload the completed forms to the website. Every time you submit a form, I receive it and will approve it if it is submitted correctly. If it is not complete, it will be rejected and I will let you know what you need to correct before you resubmit. Once you are completely registered and all forms are submitted correctly, you will receive a notification. If you need assistance with www.registermyathlete.com a PowerPoint presentation is available on WestgladesMiddle.com

    If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Shannon.Goodrich@Browardschools.com. 

    Shannon Goodrich, Athletic Director

    Register My Athlete PowerPoint

    Parental Permission Form

    Game tickets may be purchased at this link: GOFans. View Spectator Bag Policy Here.