In accordance with 1002.3105 of the Florida Statutes, all Broward County Public Schools must provide educational options that provide academically challenging curriculum or accelerated instruction to all eligible K-12 students and inform parents and students of these options. As defined by this legislation, Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning (ACCEL) options must include:
- Whole grade and mid-year promotion: Students have the option to graduate early in January of their senior year or June of their junior year provided that all graduation requirements have been met. Parents and students need to meet with a school counselor to discuss these options. Graduating early is not always in the student's best interest. Please call the School Counseling Office at 754-322-1100 to make an appointment.
- Subject matter acceleration: Accelerated courses are available through FLVS, Dual Enrollment at Broward College, Dual Enrollment at Atlantic Technical School, or Advanced Placement/AICE classes. Speak with your school counselor to discuss the possibility of participating in any of these options.
- Virtual instruction in higher-level grade subjects: Students can register to take classes online at Speak with a guidance counselor for more information.
- Credit Acceleration Program (CAP) via End of Course Exams (EOC). Currently, students can accelerate with courses in Algebra, Biology, or Geometry. Parents should discuss this option with a guidance counselor to see if it is in the student's best interest to CAP out of a class.
- Parents interested in having their students participate in an ACCEL option should contact the guidance office for further information regarding student eligibility and procedural requirements for participation. All options meet the intent of this legislation and are in compliance with policy and procedure as set forth by Broward County School Board Policy 6000.1.