- Pines Middle
- Student Community Service
Service Learning Student Volunteer Program
The purpose of the Service Learning Graduation Requirement and the Student Volunteer Service Program is to acquaint high school students with the need to provide service to both their school and community.
Service Learning is defined as: An educational method by which participants learn and develop through active participation in service that is conducted in and meets the needs of a community. Service learning is coordinated with a school or community service program and with the community. It is integrated into and influences the lifelong learning of a participant and includes structured time for the participants to reflect on the service experience.Service learning teaches the skills of civil participation and develops an ethic of service and civic responsibility. Students can provide service in the community on a voluntary basis to public, nonprofit agencies, civic, charitable and governmental organizations and school campuses.
Service Learning and Volunteer Service Program is divided into three tiers:
- Tier I Service Learning Hours required for graduation.
- Tier II Service hours required to meet the Bright Futures Initial Eligibility Requirements.
- Tier III Volunteer Service Hours required earn a silver cord at graduation.
Service Learning Guidelines
Student Volunteer Application
Student Volunteer Log SheetBright Futures - Paid Work Hours
- Bright Futures Purposes ONLY. Cannot be used for graduation-required community service, nor the Silver Cord.
- The paid work hours must have occurred on July 1, 2022, and after, since this is when the state statute went into effect.
- ALL Bright Futures awards require 100 paid work hours, regardless of the amount of community service required. (i.e. for the Medallion (FMS/75%) they need 75 service hours OR 100 paid work hours)
- You cannot mix and match community service and paid work.
The Service Learning Graduation Requirement
The School Board has incorporated Service Learning and volunteer service into the high school graduation requirements. Any student who wishes to earn a standard diploma must meet the graduation requirement of 40 documented hours in the Student Volunteer Service Program. The links provided will allow access to the rules governing exactly what will be accepted as service learning/volunteer service hours and what won't, the log sheets necessary to document hours and the Service Application and Approval Form (used when a student is not performing a service as part of a school-sponsored organization).