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To meet the requirements of SBBC Policy 5900 Anti-Bullying, principals must make the parent/legal guardian video training available via multiple methods to all parents/legal guardians with students in grades K-12 by October 31, 2023. All BCPS schools must have the Annual Parent Trainings Webpage on their school’s website on the "Parents" page, under the "Students & Parents" dropdown. Some additional suggested methods are to play it at a parent association meeting or to send the link home via an email or flyer.
- Parent training directions: Access the parent training video via this Canvas course #1629876. The training can then be shown to parents by projection. If wishing to share the training with community members via a link, use this Eduvision link: https://www.eduvision.tv/l?eOtORRO.
- Principal certification: BCPS principals will receive an email on November 1st, 2023, with a link to electronically certify completion of all Policy 5900 mandates in KickUp. By November 10, 2023, principals will certify how and when the training was made available to parents.
- Parent training directions: Access and share the parent training video via this Eduvision link: https://www.eduvision.tv/l?eOtORRO.
- Principal certification: Charter principals will collect and retain proof of completion (how and when the training was made available to parents) by November 10, 2023, to be provided upon request.
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Annual Parent Trainings
Policy 5900: Anti-Bullying Parent Training
Broward County Public Schools recognizes that parents/legal guardians are an integral part of a school’s safe and respectful environment as well as their child’s success. Therefore, SBBC Policy 5900: Anti-Bullying mandates that parents be provided access to an annual training module that educates them on the application of Policy 5900, including how to report and intervene with suspected bullying, the bullying investigation process, as well as each student's right to appeal the investigation findings. For more information on the District's bullying prevention policy, go to www.BrowardSchools.com/Anti-Bullying.
Policy 5010: Dating Violence Prevention Parent Training
Broward County Public Schools recognizes that parents/legal guardians are an integral part of a school’s safe and respectful environment as well as their child’s success. Therefore, SBBC Policy 5010: Against Student Dating Violence or Abuse (Grades 6-12) mandates that parents be provided access to an annual training module that provides student dating violence prevention awareness, so they are better able to prevent, identify, respond, and report suspected dating violence. For more information on the District's dating violence prevention policy, go to www.BrowardSchools.com/DatingViolencePrevention.
- The parent training is the Dating Matters Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention 60-minute, interactive online training designed to help educators, youth-serving organizations, and parents understand the risk factors and warning signs associated with teen dating violence.
Agents/Consultants/Contractors/Vendors/Visitors/Volunteers Training
School Board policies 5900 and 5010 are applicable to any student, employee, Board member, District employee, agent, consultant, contractor, vendor, visitors, volunteer, or other person in the school or outside the school at school-sponsored events, on school buses, and at training facilities or training programs sponsored by the District. While on school grounds, these adults may be responsible for the welfare of pupils and are expected to know policy information and adhere to behavioral policy standards. Therefore, both policies mandate trainings be made available to these parties, so they are better able to prevent, identify, respond, and report suspected bullying or student dating violence.
DIRECTIONS: Agents, consultants, contractors, vendors, visitors, and volunteers within a BCPS site will click on the links below to find the directions and complete the trainings prior to working within a school.
- Policy 5900: Anti-Bullying (grades K-12 and District Departments): For directions and more information on the District's bullying prevention policy, go to www.BrowardSchools.com/Anti-Bullying.
- Policy 5010: Dating Violence Prevention (grades 6-12): For directions and more information on the District's dating violence prevention policy, go to www.BrowardSchools.com/DatingViolencePrevention.