Get Involved

Elementary, middle, and high school students working at their group levels in a club
  • Clubs and organizations are a great way to help develop character and the skills that will benefit you in school, your career, and in life. Skills like commitment, leadership, effective communication, and being able to work successfully in a group all come from participating in a club or organization. Joining a club is a great way to make friends, develop leadership skills, and boost your college resumé.

  • Basketball Club

    Club Sponsor: Preston Selvanik

    Description: Help young individuals develop the fundamental skills of playing basketball.

    Club Meeting dates: varies

  • Black Student Union (BSU)

    Club Sponsor: Natalie Guy and Jonathan Ammann 

    Description: The Black Student Union is a vital student-led organization dedicated to empowering Black students through cultural enrichment, advocacy for social justice, and fostering a supportive community where diversity is celebrated and voices are amplified within the school environment. 

    Club Meeting dates: 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in room 313 

  • Bridge Club

     Club practicing bridge building

    Club Sponsor: Kasandra Kopek

    Description: The club plans and builds bridges to compete in the local and national competitions.

    Club Meeting dates: every other Tuesday during lunch.

  • Business Professionals of America

     2023-2024 BPA State Leadership Competition - Orlando

    Club Sponsor: Vincent McLaughlin, Carol Meade-Cabey, Kettya Amarai 

    Description: (BPA) Business Professionals of America is a dynamic student-led organization that prepares individuals for careers in business, finance, management, information technology, and related fields. Our programs and activities are designed to enhance students’ leadership abilities, professional skills, and overall career development. With a network of over 46,000 members across the country, BPA provides a comprehensive range of educational programs, competitive events, leadership opportunities, and community service initiatives. Our organization equips students with essential skills and real-world experiences that will undoubtedly shape their future success. 

    Club Meeting dates: Wednesdays 12:35 pm Room 303. 

  • Cheer Club

    Club Sponsor: Terrell Hall

    Description: Cheer supports the sports teams and the school, but also lead the student body in showing spirit by setting a good example of school pride themselves.

    Club Meeting dates: lunch time (12:21-1:00)

  • Class of 2024

  • Class of 2025

    Club Sponsor: Christina Williams-Ledain

    Description: To establish community and collaboration among the class.

    Club Meeting dates: varies

  • Class of 2026

    Club Sponsor: Erin D'Angelo and Julie Ogden

    Description: To foster leadership skills, encourage school spirit and provide communication and camaraderie among class members. 

    Club Meeting dates: Officer meetings each Wednesday; class meetings as announced.

  • Class of 2027

    Club Sponsor: Natalie Guy

    Description:  The purpose of the Class of 2027 as an organization is to facilitate unity, support, and academic achievement among its members, while also promoting school spirit and engagement within the broader school 

    Club Meeting dates: Officer meetings are held every Friday in room 136 

  • Education Rocks

    Club Sponsor: Erin D'Angelo

    Description: Education Rocks is a global youth leadership development organization that is committed to empowering student leaders to provide access to education for all.

    Club Meeting dates: varies

  • First Priority

    Club Sponsor: Cyd Dixson

    Description: First Priority of America exists to educate, train, and provide resources for Christian students to legally form clubs and share the gospel with unbelieving students on the public-school campus.

    Founded by Christian author and speaker Benny Proffitt and 11 other youth Pastors in Irving, TX in 1996. Today, there are over 30 local organizations, with First Priority of South Florida being the local organization for Miami, Broward, and Palm Beach. The First Priority Club connects with others through the following activities: pizza socials, fun, and the gospel.  First Priority Club is Christ-centered, and students grow together in the gospel.  Students should join for the following reasons: to grow in faith, make new friends and join a new community of welcoming people, have fun, and meet amazing guest speakers.

    Club Meeting dates: Every Monday @ 12:30

  • Future Educators of America

     FEA Fall Rally

    Club Sponsor: Caryn M. Coburn 

    Description: The purpose of this organization shall be to:

    Section 1. Strive to interest competent young men and women in teaching as a career.

    Section 2. Provide leadership and community service experience to teens.

    Section 3. Improve the reading skills of elementary students.

    Section 4. Appreciate and recognize the important role of teachers. 

    Club Meeting dates: 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month during lunch in Rm 130L 

  • Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)

    Club Sponsor: Karrah Fort 

    Description: Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Clubs are student clubs that allow students with a common interest to get together and have events or discussions about that interest. GSA clubs are made up of students of any sexual orientation; in fact many GSA members are straight-identifying youth. In these clubs, students can talk and learn about issues that surround sexual orientation and gender identity. 

    Club Meeting dates: TBA

  • Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

     HOSA 23-24 Regional Contestants

    Club Sponsor: Danielle McColgin and Billini Benoit

    Description: The purpose of HOSA – Future Health Professionals is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program. Students compete at the local, state, and national level.

    Club Meeting dates: varies

  • Jewish Student Union

     JSU Photo from Club Day

    Club Sponsor: Caryn M Coburn 

    Description: Explore Jewish culture, history, and identity. 

    Club Meeting dates: During lunch Rm 130L (usually Wednesday and/or Thursday) 

  • Music Club

    Club Sponsor: Sivia E Maldonado

    Description: To have a place where our school's musicians can display their talent for their own enjoyment, as well as for the school students and staff, through different school activities.

    Club Meeting dates: during lunch.

  • National Honor Society

     NHS Induction Group Photo

    Club Sponsor: David Wood & Paula Wood, co-sponsors 

    Description: National Honor Society is an academic and service organization dedicated to promoting scholarship, character, service, and leadership in our school. Members must meet the national organization's requirements in order to apply in 10th or 11th grade. 

    Club Meeting dates: Alternating Wednesday meetings @ lunch in Room 301

  • P.A.W.S.

    Club Sponsor: Sophia Zulueta

    Description: We work together to raise awareness for animal rights. We particularly focus on no-kill animal rescues and shelters, as well as marine life.  

    Club Meeting dates: Bi-weekly meetings on Fridays in room 351 

  • SkillsUSA Club

     2023-2024 State Contestants for SkillsUSA

    Club Sponsor: Lillie deCastro and Billini Benoit

    Description: SkillsUSA is a workforce development organization for students. We empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders and responsible community members. Students compete at the local, state, and national level. 

    Club Meeting dates: varies

  • Spanish Club

    Club Sponsor: Sophia Zulueta

    Description: To spread positive awareness of the Hispanic Culture and Spanish Language 

    Club Meeting dates: Bi-weekly meetings on Fridays in room 351 

  • Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) Club

     SWAT Collage

    Club Sponsor: Paula Wood

    Description:  Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) is a youth run organization that works in schools to raise awareness of the harms of vaping and tobacco.

    Club Meeting dates: Alternating Mondays @ lunch Room 301 

  • Volleyball Club

     McFatter Volleyball 2024

    Club Sponsors: Kasandra Kopek, Preston Selvanik

    Description: The volleyball team is co-ed and competes with the other technical schools.

    Club Meeting dates: March thru April on scheduled practice and game days.

  • Women of Tomorrow

    Club Sponsor: Brigitte Lynn

    Description: The Women of Tomorrow mission is to inspire, motivate and empower at-risk young women to live up to their full potential through a unique group mentoring program with highly accomplished professional women and scholarship opportunities. 

    Club Meeting dates: One hour, once per month, usually on a Tuesday. 

  • Yearbook Club

    Club Sponsor: David Wood

    Description: Students come together on a voluntary basis to plan, create, and publish a school yearbook. Students do this through a club because McFatter does not have a Yearbook Class built into its very tight schedule. This gives students an outlet for creativity and opportunities for leadership, in addition to giving students the experience of working towards and completing a concrete project. 

    Club Meeting dates: Fridays @ Lunch (12:30-1:00pm) in addition to independent work