- Cresthaven Elementary
- Clubs and Activities
Get Involved
Clubs and organizations are a great way to help develop character and the skills that will benefit you in school, your career, and in life. Skills like commitment, leadership, effective communication, and being able to work successfully in a group all come from participating in a club or organization. Joining a club is a great way to make friends, develop leadership skills, and boost your college resumé.
Club and Activities
The Debate Club
Sponsors: Ms. Forde and Ms. Schulman
The Debate Club at Cresthaven Elementary promotes effective communication skills and boosts confidence in public speaking and articulation. The Broward County Debate Initiative helps children develop how to research current events and factual information to support their opinions. The collaborative practice of Debate encourages teamwork, and exposure to diverse viewpoints, which fosters tolerance, empathy, and the ability to engage in respectful dialogue.
For more information regarding Cresthaven's Debate Club, please contact Ms. Forde or Ms. Schulman at 754-322-6000 or Email at brianna.forde@browardschools.com, jacqueline.schulman@browardschools.com
Girls Empowerment Club
Sponsor: Ms. Andre
The Girls Empowerment Club provides a safe place to empower our girls and encourage them to become successful members of our society. We work through various topics like goal setting, navigating friendships, positive communication, and networking.
For information regarding the Girls Empowerment Club, please contact Ms. Andre at 754-322-6000 or
SAVE Promise Club
Sponsor: Ms. Kalloo
Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Promise Club is the student leadership initiative of Sandy Hook Promise. Led by the Youth Advisory Board, the aim is to empower student leaders to take an active role in increasing school safety, and preventing different forms of violence in schools, and communities.
Students want safe schools and communities and want to lead the change in these efforts. SAVE Promise Club empowers youth to be the leaders of change.
SAVE Promise Clubs are a place for young people across the country to show their leadership, creativity and passion for protecting their friends, schools and communities from violence BEFORE it happens.
For formation regarding Cresthaven's SAVE Promise Club, please contact Ms. Kalloo at 754-322-6000 or
Cresthaven Violin Club
Sponsor: Mr. Clayton
The Cresthaven Violin Club inspires an early love for the foundation of music. Students learn note placement, scales, and different rhythm exercises. We showcase our talents to the parents and the community twice a year at Cresthaven’s Winter and Spring Concerts. The main goal is to create a new outlet of creativity for the students at Cresthaven.
For information regarding the Violin Club please contact Mr. Clayton at 754-322-6000 or
email: daniel.claytonjr@browacomrdschools.com
Cresthaven Choir Club
Sponsor : Mr. Clayton
By popular demand, the Choir Club is back for the entire Koala family. Students who love to sing can enjoy the various repertoires that we are learning. We practice scales and vocal exercises and perform songs from Pop, Latin, and Rhythm and Blues. Our students perform twice a year for the Winter and Spring Concerts.
For information regarding the Choir Club please contact Mr. Clayton at 754-322-6000 or email at daniel.claytonjr@browardschools.com