• Emerging Technology @ Dillard

    Dillard High School and the Emerging Computer Technology Program is committed to academic excellence. A major goal is to provide students unique opportunities to participate in highly specialized and technical courses in digital media, computer programming, robotics, and hardware/network support.

    In addition to the intensive work in these specialized fields, students will participate in a well rounded academic program which allows them to explore a well-defined, but varied curriculum. Each year our graduating seniors amass more than $1.5 million in scholarships.

    Entrance Requirements

    1. Students must reside in Broward County.
    2. Students must apply to the Emerging Computer Technology Program.
    3. Students should score a level 3 on the FCAT. In the absence of FCAT, a score of the 50th percentile or higher on standardized tests and demonstrate a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
    4. Students are required to maintain a 2.5 to remain in the program once they get into it.
    5. Students should have credentials to take Algebra 1 or higher their freshman year.

    Dillard's Emerging Computer Technology Program Offers You

    • Limited Class Size
    • College and Career-Focused Courses
    • On The Job Training Classes & Internship
    • Extensive Academic Curriculum
    • Over 30 AP and Honors Courses
    • Opportunities with corporate sponsors like Motorola, Citrix, South Florida Marine Industries

    Computer Programming

    Our computer programming course of study involves students in programming, computer applications, statistics, and emergent technology. Students will learn the languages of Python, Java, and C++ where they will master functions and procedures, write programs, and problem solve. In addition to Python, Java, and C++ programming, students master Microsoft Office and Network Navigator. They will also create a digital portfolio focusing on their achievements in all academic areas during the high school years. 

    Digital Arts

    DIGITAL ART IMAGING 1, 2 & 3 (HONORS) -  Digital Art Imaging is a sequence of digital art courses dealing with the interaction of text and image, the fundamental components of graphic communication. Students will develop and hone skills in working with Adobe Creative Suite as they create solutions to a series of art & design problems. Visual literacy will be increased through exposure to the elements and principles of design as well as contemporary design issues. Students will achieve Industry Certification in Adobe Photoshop. Strategies of digital photography and composition will be explored. Students will expand their proficiency in all aspects of the design process, including the use of formal design principles, type as image, creative brainstorming, conceptualizing, critical thinking, collaboration, and presentation. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign & Corel Painter.

    CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY 1 & 2 - Creative Photography is a digital design course dealing with the interaction of personal vision and imagery. The fundamental strategies of photographic composition will be explored. Students will develop and hone creative thinking skills in working with imagery as they create solutions to a series of visual design problems. Students will develop and demonstrate a base knowledge of Adobe Photoshop in the manipulation of digital images. Fine art photographers, aesthetics, and the critique process will be explored.

    DESIGN PORTFOLIO/ADVANCED PLACEMENT STUDIO ART 2D (DIGITAL) - The advanced placement art courses are designed to prepare students for college, give them the necessary lab experiences to nurture their creativity, and allow them to earn college credit. The 2-D Design Portfolio & AP 2D Studio Art courses analyze a wide range of design concepts while building professional software skills. Students develop a portfolio in graphic design, digital imaging, photography, typography, collage, mixed media, illustration, and/or digital painting.  Students may create art with natural media and/or Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In-Design, Adobe Flash, Corel Painter, or any combination of the above. Abstract, observational, inventive, and functional fine arts are explored. Portfolios in Breadth, Concentration & Quality are submitted to the College Board. Visit apcentral.collegeboard.com for more information.


    Students will become proficient in a variety of technical fields, such as visual modeling, programming, 2 and 3-D computer programming, digital media, and robotics research. As part of this project-oriented course, students will use state of the art hardware and software to create presentations requiring computer graphics and animation to communicate visually to a variety of audiences. The robotics team will also prepare for the national FIRST competition which judges student talent in robot creation and manipulation. Students are teamed with Motorola who sponsors the students and whose engineers train the students via on-site and distance learning. As students progress they will research various robot designs, test prototypes focusing on mechanics, and creating solutions to industrial problems. Students work collaboratively throughout their 4 years, learning various aspects of a business, including financial management programs, and overall administrative functions.

    Film and Animation

    During this course of study, students will produce a digital portfolio highlighting their achievements throughout their academic careers. They will master the computer as a presentation tool. Projects will involve computer graphics, desktop publishing, and Internet publishing. They will also explore 3-D rendering, animation, digital video editing, image manipulation, presentation, and audio editing. Many of the projects assigned can be coordinated with other disciplines so that students will demonstrate mastery of their technical talents in other areas of study, such as American History.


    This course of study concentrates on computer applications in hardware support and emergent technology. Students will become proficient in computer systems architecture, software, and hardware fundamentals, micro processing, and customer relations. Students will develop skills in DC circuits, communication interfacing, and entrepreneurship. These Students will also maintain the computer recycling lab. Early on, students will have hands-on experience in building and rebuilding computer hardware. Many of our students have received their A+ Certification from the industry, entitling them to apply for positions as industry certified technicians.

    We invite all interested students to apply to the Dillard High School Emerging Computer Technology Program.

    The magnet office will begin accepting applications in December for our incoming fall students. It is the parent's responsibility to apply to the magnet office. Please note that the application deadline is February for the new school year. All paperwork must be received before your application will be processed. Please feel free to call our office if you need any further information or would like to tour our school.

    Jessica Swanson
    ECT Magnet Coordinator
    (754) 322-0852