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Foreign Language

  • Hello written in multiple foreign languages Our program develops listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in the target language and demonstrates cross-cultural attitudes in the target language.

Computer Science

  • Four students reviewing computer science work on laptops Students will learn how to use digital programs while working on projects using multimedia to earn Microsoft Industry Certification in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Junior Leadership Corps

  • Students sitting in circle with laptops Students will use the “Seven Habits of Effective Teens” to develop positive personal character traits such as good citizenship, accountability, teamwork, and ethical behavior.

Speech and Debate

  • Five middle school students holding colorful speech bubbles Speech and debate students learn research, logic, organization of ideas, manipulation of language, assessment of audience, self-esteem, and engagement in world events.

Peer Counseling

  • students sitting and reading one smiling facing camera As student leaders and mentors, students learn to work with peers through tutoring those who are struggling in school and developing skills to mediate conflicts between students.

Visual and Performing Arts

  • Male student and female teacher enjoy painting in a classroom Students will learn to be expressive and have fun as they learn a rich variety of performing arts disciplines, which include drama, choir, and dance.