
  • Male student and female teacher enjoy painting in a classroom Students use hands-on media and techniques to create a variety of 2-D artworks while developing skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage. 

Journalism & Yearbook

  • Female student in writing class working on a computer Journalism students develop public speaking, writing, and critical thinking skills to create a school newsletter and yearbook using media-related technology and video-editing software.

Physical Education (PE)

  • Teacher giving instructions to students in a gym for physical education Our PE courses are designed to build skills for the maintenance of a physically active lifestyle and provides exposure to a variety of movement opportunities.

Foreign Language

  • Hello written in multiple foreign languages Our Foreign Language programs introduce students to the language and its culture. Students develop skills to understand and communicate proficiently in the language.

Global Perspectives

  • Male and female student in social studies studying global perspectives This course develops students critical thinking and problem-solving skills through research, and collaboration which encourages students to become active, and innovative.

Speech and Debate

  • Five middle school students holding colorful speech bubbles Speech and debate students learn research, logic, organization of ideas, manipulation of language, assessment of audience, self-esteem, and engagement in world events.