Page Navigation
- Parent Information and Trainings
- Transportation
- School Environmental Safety Incident Reporting (SESIR)
- Code of Student Conduct - Right To Appeal
- Canvas
- Family Counseling
- Make-Up Work: SBBC Policy
- Online Payments
- Registration
- School Advisory Council and School Advisory Forum
- School Improvement Plan (SIP)
- Code of Student Conduct
- SAC Meeting Dates and Times
- Anti-Bullying
- Anti-Bullying
What Is PTA?
PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. The mission of the PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality.
Please join the PTA, attend meetings, and volunteer to support PTA activities and projects
- Powerful voice for all children.
- Relevant resource for families and communities.
- Strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
- Serve as a type of forum where parents, teachers, administrators, and other concerned adults discuss ways to promote quality education, strive to expand the arts, encourage community involvement, and work for a healthy environment and safe neighborhoods.
- Regular updates on school activities and policies.
- Access to teachers and administrators at your child's school.
- Access to parents of other children at the school.
- A forum to discuss concerns and problems at school
- If the problem needs attention from the state or national government, any local, district, or state PTA can bring the issue to the attention of the National PTA.
- Access to resources on parenting, education, and more from the National PTA.
- Appreciation from teachers for all your help.
- Education about school policies, state funding, and other issues concerning your school.
PTA Information
Welcome Letter from PTA
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!! Please read the Welcome Back Letter from our PTA.
Why Join P.T.A
PTA Board 2022-2023
Tina Linn- PTA President
Jill Foldessy - 1st Vice President
Darlene Bragg - 2nd Vice President
Val Mayer - 3rd Vice President
Andrea Shearman – 4th Vice President
Yamilka Castellanos - Corresponding Secretary
Dana Greenland – Recording Secretary
Cheri Silvera - Historian
Christina Carrils - Treasurer
If you need to reach any member of our PTA board, please email
QWE Memberhub
To purchase items from PTA that would include Spirit shirts, hoodies, yearbooks, etc., you will visit our QWE memberhub.
PTA News
Order your QWE Spirit Shirt today.
Click on the link for more informationTo Order from our PTA Memberhub, use the link below.