Meet the Counselors

  • School counselors promote and enhance achievement with an annual comprehensive school counseling plan that ensures that every student receives school counseling services. Credentialed school counselors provide comprehensive counseling programs that incorporate prevention and intervention with continuous academic, career, and personal/development activities that will prepare them for meaningful participation in a diverse, changing world. These activities include classroom guidance, small groups for skill mastery, individual counseling for students with specific needs, and a variety of other proactive and innovative ways to support student performance. 

    School counselors implement a program based on the National Standards for School Counseling Programs and the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model. They also provide resources to staff, students, families, and others to ensure that a family-friendly environment is established and ensure that students have access to a safe school climate necessary for academic and social/emotional growth.

    Parents are always welcome to come in or call 754-322-4200 for assistance or advice.

  • PBMS School Counselors

    Pompano Beach Middle School Counseling Service and Exceptional Student Education Departments are delighted to welcome our middle school students, faculty and staff, parents/guardians, and community supporters.

    The School Counselor Director, ESE Specialist, and Grade Level School Counselors seek to embrace a vision of a harmonious school environment. Our major objective is to help lead students in a positive way, as well as to provide skills necessary to function successfully in a multicultural society.

  • How does Personal and Social Counseling Help Students?

    Personal/Social Counseling Helps Students:

    • Build and maintain relationships
    • Request adult assistance when needed
    • Resolve conflicts
    • Develop problem-solving skills
    • Demonstrate tolerance of others

  • How does Academic Counseling Help Students?

    Academic Counseling Helps Students:

    • Use effective study skills and develop good study habits
    • Develop test-taking strategies
    • Set educational goals and make appropriate educational choices
    • Understand how attitudes and behaviors affect academic achievement.

  • How does Career Counseling Helps Students?

    Career Counseling Helps Students:

    • Learn decision-making skills
    • Establish effective work habits
    • Identify skills, interests, personality traits, and values
    • Explore a variety of career goals

  • How do School Counselors Assist Students?

    Our School Counselors Assist Students Through:

      • Developmental classroom guidance activities
      • Guidance groups to build academic skills and confidence as a learner
      • Individual conferences with students who require special assistance consultation and collaboration with school staff, parents and guardians,
      • District support services, mental health professionals, and community agencies

  • How does a student access guidance services from a professional school counselor?

    How does a student access guidance services from a professional school counselor?

      • Self-Referral
      • Administrative Referral
      • Parent or Guardian Referral
      • Teacher Referral
      • Referral by a friend

  • Parent /Teacher Conferences

    Conferences can be scheduled by calling your student’s grade level secretary (754) 322-4200. Conferences are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:20 AM and 8:40 AM. Each teacher will take turns informing you of your child's current performance, strengths, and weaknesses. Attendance of students at the conferences is recommended, but not required. In addition to attending a face-to-face conference or virtual teams, you may also communicate your concerns via e-mail, at the teacher's discretion.

  • Interim Reports

    Interim Reports are issued to students four times a year. Interims are made available via CLICK HERE Virtual Counselor at the mid-term of every marking period. Please check our school calendar for the dates the interims will be readily accessible in Virtual Counselor. If your child's interim report is of concern, please schedule a parent-teacher conference in order to address the issue in a timely manner before the end of the marking period.

  • Student Expectations

    In order to be successful, Pompano Beach Middle School students are expected to:

    • Treat others with respect & honesty.
    • Respect the rights of others.
    • Respect school property & the property of others.
    • Be prepared for class by bringing paper, pencil, pen, books, and other needed supplies.
    • Complete all classwork and homework.
    • Act responsibly on campus, on buses, on field trips, and at all school-sponsored events, regardless of location.

  • Absences

    In order to be successful, students must be in school every day and on time. Once in school, students are expected to attend all classes and be punctual. For students who demonstrate patterns of non-attendance, interventions or disciplinary consequences may occur. In addition, possible referral to the state-designated agency for possible court action for extended absence or truancy may occur.

    Patterns of nonattendance are established when 1) he or she has an accumulation of tardiness, early sign-outs, and/or absences (excused and unexcused) that exceed 5 days in one marking period or 10 days in 2 marking periods or when 2) he or she is absent an unexcused 5 days in 30 calendar days or 10 days in 90 calendar days. Students may also establish a pattern of non-attendance when he or she has an accumulation of 15 unexcused absences within 90 calendar days, with or without a parent’s knowledge (habitual truant).

    Absences may be excused for the following reasons: a) student illness, b) illness of an immediate family member, c) death in the family, d) religious holidays, e) required court appearance or subpoenas, or f) scheduled doctor/dentist appointments. Any absence is unexcused until the school receives a telephone call or a note to excuse the absence. To have an absence excused, we request that the parent/guardian call the attendance line. The attendance telephone number is (754) 322-4202. When you call, please provide the following information: date of absence, last and first name of the child.  Please spell the name carefully. If the parent/guardian is unable to call, a note must be sent to the attendance office which states the date(s) of the absence and the reason. Excessive absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • Tardies

    To have a tardy excuse, call the front office at (754) 322-4200 on the morning of your child's late arrival. Tardies may be excused for the following reasons: a) student illness, b) illness of an immediate family member, c) death in the family, d) religious holidays, e) required court appearance or subpoenas, f) scheduled doctor/dentist appointments. Students must report to the front office first and then report to class. Instances of an individual unexcused tardy will be issued a detention. Excessive tardies will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • Make-Up Work

    Students have 2 class days to make up the work for each class day absent, not including the day of return. However, previously assigned work is due on the day of return. These deadlines may be extended by the Administration for extenuating circumstances.

  • Ms. Amanda Eccles, 6th Grade Counselor and Guidance Director

    Ms. Amanda Eccles 

    6th Grade Counselor and Guidance Director

    Phone Number: 754-322-4200

  • Ms. Rachel Quarick, 7th Grade Counselor

    Ms. Rachel Quarick

    7th Grade School Counselor

    Phone Number: 754-322-4200 

  • Ms. Aminah Pointer - 8th Grade Counselor

    Ms. Aminah Pointer

    8th Grade School Counselor Director

    Phone Number: 754-322-4200