- Deerfield Beach High
- Transcript Request
Transcript Requests

Transcripts must be requested via Naviance
- Log on to Naviance
- Select/Click the Colleges tab
Step 1 - Colleges I’m thinking about
- Select/Click “Colleges I’m Thinking About”
- Select/Click “Add Colleges to List”
- Use the drop menu tool under “Lookup by Keyword”
- Type in college name and click “Go”. College will appear
- Place a checkmark in the select box by clicking on the box
- Click in the box named “Favorite” next to “Actions” (it is on the right side of the page)
You MUST Complete Step 2 Before Requesting A Transcript In Naviance
Step 2 - Colleges I’m Applying to
- Select/Click “Colleges I’m Thinking About. You’ll see the list of college(s) you selected
- Select/Click the box to the left of the college(s) you are applying to
- Click on “Move to Application List”
NOTE: Once you do this the college(s) you selected will move from the “Colleges I’m Thinking About” to “Colleges I’m Applying To” - Use the drop menus to determine “Which application deadline do you prefer” and “How will you submit your application”
NOTE: This step is very important. It will determine how your transcript can be submitted. - Apply to your college of choice and submit your application
NOTE: You may request transcripts before you actually complete your application. You will need to check the box to the left of the name of the college on this page then proceed with the steps below.
Step 3 - Go back to College I’m Applying to under the “Colleges Tab”
- Select/Click Initial, Mid-year, or Final (Initial = before senior year first semester grades are posted. Mid Year = after first semester grades and before final senior grades posted)
- Select/Click unofficial scores for the ACT and/or SAT tests you’ve taken. If you have not taken any, leave it blank. The names of the college(s) you selected will be in boxes under “Where are you sending the transcript/s?”
- Select/Click “Request and Finish”