- Deerfield Beach High
- School Rules
We Care - Know The Rules
The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC) consists of nine elected School Board Members who serve four-year terms. Two of the School Board Members are elected “at large” by all of the electors in Broward County. The other seven School Board Members are elected from seven school board member residence areas. The School Board Members, along with the Superintendent, oversee the sixth-largest District in the nation. The SBBC implements policies that govern ethical, fiduciary, and scholastic mandates, protocols, and procedures for the District's schools, offices, and departments subject to any applicable federal, state, or local laws. The SBBC answers to the residents and taxpayers of Broward County in an ethical, open, and transparent manner.
A school principal may supplement District policies by outlining rules specific to the school such as uniform colors, cell phone usage areas, and drop off/pick up times. However, school rules are limited in scope and do not supersede school district policies.
Our School Rules
Anonymous/Non-Anonymous Security Tip Reporting
Call 911 immediately in an emergency.
Submit a safety or security tip that is not an emergency directly to the District Security Operations Center (DSOC), open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (including holidays). CLICK or TAP on the icon below.
From there, choose the reporting tool that works best for you by learning more about how they work and how easy they are to use.What to report: Please report safety and security threats, bullying and harassing behaviors, illegal activity, self-endangerment behaviors, etc.
Details are everything: Please provide as many details as you can, such as names and physical description of anyone involved, school location, social media handles, date of when threats are supposed to occur, etc.
We respect your privacy and care about your safety. Your tip is shared only with investigators and administrators assigned to the tip.
Remember, helping is not the same as snitching. We are counting on you to help us help a friend.
Be a Broward Buddy, Report a Tip! -
Absence Reporting/Attendance
According to SBBC Policy 5.5, all students under 16 are required to attend school every day of the 180-day school year. Absences are established by tardiness, early sign-outs, or absences for all or part of any day. The maximum number of acceptable absences is 5 days. Additionally, please note that students may not be released after 1:45 p.m.
- Parents have 2 days (48 hours) in which to report an absence.
- The Attendance Policy allows eight (8) reasons for absence to be excused.
- Make-up work for credits and grades is allowed for ALL absences. Learn more about Homework/Makeup Work.
Deerfield Beach High School uses a system-wide grade management program called Pinnacle. One of the most important features of this system is the Parent Internet Viewer. The viewer allows parents and students to access real-time grades and attendance via the internet. This is a wonderful tool to stay up-to-date on how your child is progressing in his / her classes. The viewer allows you to receive email alerts when your child’s grade drops below a specified average or when your child is absent from a class.
Students must arrive at school on time every day.
The dismissal time is 2:40 PM. All students are expected to remain in school for the entire school day. If students are dismissed early, they must be picked up by 2:00 PM. No students will be dismissed 40 minutes prior to the last bell for safety reasons.
Bicyclists and Student Drivers
Students who ride bicycles to school are required to lock their bicycles up by portable one along the fence line.
Student Drivers
Those upperclassmen who drive to and from school are required to park in the student parking lot; access gates are off Buck Pride Way or NE 5th Terrace, which will open at 7:00 a.m. and/or 2:30 p.m. They must park in the student parking lot and may not park on neighborhood streets.
Students who do not follow this rule will be issued detention, as student parking is a privilege at Deerfield Beach High School. The cost to park in the student lot is $60.00. Download the Parking Permit Application and submit the form to Security Specialist Mr. Noble. Students must be at least 16 years of age with a valid driver's license.
Student Dismissal Without a Parent or Guardian
Those who drive to and from school have the ability to be signed out from school with permission from the student’s parents/guardian. Download and complete the Student Authorized Release form and return it to Ms. Wright in Student Affairs. The form MUST be notarized prior to being turned in.
The student parking lot gate will be open at 7:00 a.m. and will close promptly at 8:30 a.m. Any student who arrives late will need to check in at the Welcome Center before entering the student parking lot.
The deadline for all-year $60.00 parking is Tuesday, August 31, 2021.
Payments are accepted online or for exact change. -
Cell Phone
Possession of a wireless communication device that disrupts the educational process is a violation. Cellular phones, camera phones, and pagers are prohibited at all times during class unless specifically instructed to do so as part of the lesson.
Emergency Drills
All Broward County Public Schools conduct regular exercises and drills at various times as outlined in the Florida Fire Code and Florida Administrative Code.
To aid in this process, every school has a designated SAFE team comprised of faculty and staff who have been specially trained on appropriate procedures to ensure every school follows safety protocol.
Discussion-based tabletop exercises are also conducted regularly with staff, faculty, and community partners, and the results of these exercises are documented and incorporated into school safety plans as necessary.
All public schools are required to conduct one (1) fire drill per month with one (1) additional occurring within the first 30 days. Additionally, public schools are required to conduct, at a minimum, six (6) emergency drills every school year that are nonconcurrent with fire drills. One emergency drill must take place within the first ten (10) days of the beginning of the school year, and the remaining drills may not occur more than forty-five (45) days apart. Four (4) of the six (6) emergency drills must address active threats. The remaining two (2) drills must address other emergency events, such as severe weather, natural disasters, hazardous materials incidents, or reunification.
Students are expected to fully participate in drills and follow the directions of faculty and staff. -
Dress Code
The dress code rules enforced at our school align directly with the District's Unified School Dress - Policy 5309. Review the District policies outlined on this page for more information.
Parents & Visitors
All visitors including parents must check into the attendance office prior to going to any classrooms or any area on campus. An official photo identification (ID) is required. Acceptable forms of ID include the following:
- Driver’s license
- Florida’s official state identification card
- Passport
Visitor Parking
All visitors must park in the designated visitor parking spaces. Please do not park in spaces designated for faculty and staff or in the bus loop.
Student Parking
Students must have a decal to park in the student parking areas.
Please do not leave valuables in your car.
Pick Up/Drop Off
Controlling School Traffic is Essential for Safety
Students should be picked up and dropped off at the car loops only. Parents wishing to park should walk their children to the front gate. For safety reasons, parents are not allowed to walk their children to their classrooms.
Parents wishing to drive their child to school between 7:10 a.m. - 7:40 a.m. and/or 2:30 pm-3:00 p.m. can enter from the north side of Deerfield Beach High School. The gate off Buck Pride Way, near Butler Stadium, will open at 7:10 a.m. and/or 2:20 p.m. A student should never be dropped off in the front of the school or any other areas used by the BCPS bus system.
When entering the loop, do not stop in the red zone to pick up or drop off students. This is not a loading and unloading zone. Stopping here is a major cause of the backups that occur in the loop and on Buck Pride Way. Please do not drop off students outside the gates, as loading or unloading in this area may subject you to a $100 fine. Also, the front entrance and student parking lot, off of NE 5th Terrace, are not locations to drop off or pick up students.
Traveling from the West
• Turn right (east) on Buck Pride Way, stay in the right turn lane
• Turn right (south) after Butler Stadium into the first set of school gates
• Turn left (east) at Butler Stadium ticket booth
• Drop your child off at the sidewalk
• Proceed back to Buck Pride Way
• Turn right (east) onto Buck Pride Way
Slowly, exit the lot, being mindful that other parents are delivering their children, and teachers are arriving at school and parking in that back lot
*No student should arrive at school before 7:10 a.m., as Deerfield Beach High does not offer supervision until 7:10 a.m.
Student Bus
The Student Transportation Department is committed to the safe and efficient transportation of all eligible Broward County Public Schools’ students in compliance with federal, state, and local guidelines. This department consists of District Pupil Transportation Operations supporting its five Transportation Terminals located throughout Broward County, Florida.
There are over 1,000 school buses used by Broward District Schools on daily routes, transporting more than 73,000 students to and from school, and driving more than 16 million miles to over 230 locations.
Routes | 1000 – 1999 | North Area Transportation Terminal | 754.321.4000
Routes | 2000 – 2999 | Central Area Transportation Terminal | 754.321.4480
Routes | 3000 – 3999 | South Area Transportation Terminal | 754.321.4100
Routes | 4000 – 4999 | Central West Transportation Terminal | 754.321.4150
Routes | 5000 – 5999 | South West Transportation Terminal | 754.321.8025
*Buses leave the Deerfield Beach High School campus promptly at 2:50 p.m. Unless it is an early release or professional study bell schedule.
Who Is Eligible for bus transportation?
All students living more than two miles from assigned schools (pursuant to Section F.S. 1006.21, Florida Statutes). With certain exceptions, student transportation is the responsibility of the parent for those students living less than two miles from a school.Any bus concerns, contact the following secretaries for assistance:
Communications/Broadcast Arts Student
Students arriving after 7:40 a.m. will be considered TARDY.
Deerfield Beach High School will start its tardy procedures on Thursday, August 26. Students should be aware of the rules of tardiness, as any student not being in the classroom when the class is scheduled to begin according to the bell schedule is tardy for that class period.- Parents must have a valid reason to excuse a tardy.
- Excessive tardiness will be addressed on a case–by–case basis to determine if there is a pattern of non- attendance. Non-attendance for instructional activities is established by tardiness, early-sign-outs, or absences for all or any part of the day.
- Habitual tardiness is defined as being tardy 5 times within a marking period.
- Tardiness to any class without documentation may be considered unexcused.
- Unless excused under the provisions of the district’s tardy policy, accumulated tardiness will be recorded as unexcused absences.
- Principals have the discretion to excuse tardiness for extenuating circumstances.
Students who are tardy to school arrive at DBHS after 7:40 a.m., and have a valid reason to bring a parent/guardian into the Welcome Canter (attendance office) to sign in.- Students “Excused Tardy” will report to the welcome center and will be signed in by the attendance clerk.
- The attendance clerk will give a report weekly to administrators of students who have 4 or more excused tardies.
- Students “Unexcused Tardy” will report to the STUDENT TARDY ELIMINATION PLAN (STEP) room and will be signed in by the Tardy Center clerk.
Consequences* S.T.E.P. room will be located in room 146* R.I.S.E. room will be located in room 146 -
This plan is a disciplinary consequence for failure to adhere to the tardy rule.- All classroom doors will be locked when the tardy bell rings.
- No students will be admitted to class after the tardy bell without a pass from the administration. If a teacher receives a questionable pass, please notify the student’s administrator.
- The administrative staff and security team will escort students that are in the hallway after the tardy bell and direct them to S.T.E.P.
- All students that enter S.T.E.P. before the 15-minute grace period will be given a pass and or consequence back to class.
- All students that enter R.I.S.E. after the grace period expires will remain in R.I.S.E. for the remainder of the block.
Offense Steps
- First Offense: Will serve as a warning and will be used to inform students that they must be in class prior to the third bell.
- Second Offense: Students will be issued a second final warning before a parent is notified.
- Third Offense: Students will be issued an after-school detention.
- Fourth Offense: Students will stay in R.I.S.E. for the remainder of the block. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator. The administrator will contact the student’s parents and inform the student and parents of future consequences.
- Fifth Offense: Students will be assigned (1) day of Saturday school or 1 day of R.I.S.E. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator.
- Sixth Offense: Students will be assigned (1) day of R.I.S.E. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator.
- Seventh Offense: Students will be assigned (2) days in R.I.S.E. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator.
- Eighth Offense: Students will be assigned (3) days in R.I.S.E. The S.T.E.P. monitor will e-mail the student’s administrator.