Title I Overview

  • BCPS logo

    Title I is a federally funded program for economically disadvantaged children who reside in school attendance areas with a high concentration of children from low-income families. Since a high incidence of poverty in a school has a direct correlation with low academic student achievement, the goal of the Title I Program is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and the skills to master the Florida Standards.

    The School Board of Broward County (SBBC), Title I, Part A Program supports school efforts in ensuring that all children meet challenging academic standards by providing resources to schools with economically disadvantaged students. Our district operates Title I Schoolwide programs that provide all students with access to services. These resources provide additional teachers, professional development, extra time for teaching, parent engagement activities, and other supplementary instructional activities designed to raise student achievement.

  • School Level Parent and Family Engagement Plan

     School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Plan



    Haitain Creole

  • Title I Parent Survey

    Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. Please click the Title I Parent Survey [Highlight text insert survey link] to complete the survey.

  • Title I Events at Our School

  • Title I Coordinator

    If you have any questions, contact our Title I Liaison, Coordinator.

    Whittney Hunt

    Phone (754) 322-7250