- Deerfield Beach Elementary
- After Care (BASCC)
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Before and After School Child Care
The mission of Before and After School Child Care (BASCC) is to provide students enrolled in Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) with:
- an inclusive child care program in a safe and nurturing environment
- a culturally enriching program that promotes the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of each child
- a program that meets the highest quality of childcare standards
Below are the child care programs offered at our school:
After Care
After Care Overview
School Board Operated (SBO) Program
Parents & Families, welcome to Deerfield Beach Elementary CHAMPions Aftercare Program or (DBEA C.H.A.M.P.S). We are pleased to share with you a
first hand outlook of our program along with our Mission, Philosophy and Goals for Deerfield Beach Elementary Aftercare (DBEA) CHAMPS. As always, our goal for is provide you with a clear picture of what our program offers and provides for our shareholders and community. We host exciting and amazing projects/events that our students in the program experience on a consistent basis. These projects/events include everything from engaging activities that foster partnerships, teamwork and social skills to enrichment curricula to help our students mature and become the “CHAMPions” they are intended to be! The acronym for C.H.A.M.P.S stands for Creative and Hardworking Achievers Maximizing their Potential and Success. It is our pleasure to service you and your family, and I thank you for trusting me (Raymond Hanna), our program and staff with the care and safety of your child(ren), our
The mission of the Deerfield Beach Elementary Aftercare (DBEA) Program is to maximize after school hours by providing parents and students with a safe, inclusive, academically oriented high-quality aftercare program that identifies the multiple intelligences, interests, and ambitions of students in order to collectively develop a personalized-interdisciplinary curriculum that fosters individualized academic and social success, thus increasing
opportunities for extended learning and improving overall school performance.
The DBEA Program employs a project-based approach to student enrichment, in order to enable all of our students to achieve personalized academic and social development (which varies from student-to-student). Children who attend our DBEA Program come from a range of economic, ethnic, social, physical, and religious backgrounds. Moreover, our DBEA Instructors reflect the diversity that exists in our program; it is large part of what makes us so
successful. And when our intricate curriculum (which consists of various types of sensory play, academic instruction, academic games, educational resources, dramatic play, and a myriad of other developmental activities) is combined with a high-quality of care, you get our formula for student success and an environment where children can not only develop, but also thrive.
Activities and Services Offered:Arts & Craft (AC): Students receive the opportunity to create and/or replicate various art projects (e.g. painting), which they can take home or submit it to be displayed on the aftercare bulletin board Academic (AG) Session: Students learn about as well as participate in hands-on activities/projects/games that relate to a variety of academic skills, life skills, social skills, and common knowledge Digital Learning Session (DL): Students log on to academic websites in order complete educational activities (e.g. games, modules) that are designed to help them (as a group and individually) hone academic skills and concepts that are vertically aligned with their grade level’s instructional focus calendar/curriculum map /pacing guide as well as with any areas of improvement that an individual student may need. In addition, other activities are done, such as performing searches related to their major, complete assignments, and visit educational sites. Exploration Stations (ES): Students not only put their imagination and ingenuity to work by creating a variety of different shapes, objects, and structures with a variety of materials (e.g. LEGO’s, Building Blocks, Farm & Animal Toys, Mini Sandboxes, Playdough etc), but they also get to learn and explore scientific facts. Group Games (IG/OG) Session: Students participate in various activities (e.g. Service Learning, Interdisciplinary, Hands-on) that motivates students to participate in productive affairs as well as fosters collaboration and cooperation among the group Homework Session (HW): Students perform searches related to their major, complete assignments, and visit educational sites Literature Station (LS): Students receive the opportunity to select various books, magazines, comics, and other literary materials to read (quietly) and even discuss/share with each other Outdoor Play Session (OP): Students receive 30 – 45 min. of free-play and organized play-time outdoors Story Telling (ST): Instructor and students read, share, and discuss books Real Talk (RT): Students meet collectively to learn about, share, and then discuss a variety of topics (e.g. current events) Rec. Games Session (RC): Students receive 30 – 45 min. of time to play recreational games (e.g. ping pong)
Registration Process
Online Application
Parent(s)/guardian(s) must complete an application online at www.browardschools.com/basccPlease note an application does not guarantee enrollment. Enrollment is based on availability. If the program has reached capacity, your child(ren) will be added to the program’s waitlist.
Parent Handbook -
Payment Information
Program Cost
Before Care $XX
After Care $XXX + Activity Fee XX
BASCC Registration Fee $30
Payment Link
Make an Online Payment in the BCPS eStore
Payment Schedule
Program Contact Information
- Raymond Hanna Jr,
- Telephone: 754-322-6111
- After Care: 1:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
- About Mr. Hanna
If you have any questions, please contact the program.