•  2D Studio Art 1   (#0101300)

    No prerequisite required.

    Students will be introduced to the elements of art and the basic principles of art and design, using traditional art materials such as paper, pencils, paint and pastels. Collaboration, reading and writing are all part of the curriculum. Creating art based upon historical, global and multi-cultural sources of inspiration will provide students with an introduction to art as practiced by artists today as well as in the past.


    2D Studio Art 2   (#0101310)

    Prerequisite: 2D Studio Art 1 (#0101310)

    This class builds upon the skills and concepts acquired in the level 1 class.

    Students will explore color theory, painting and printmaking in this class. Special projects and opportunities for collaboration with other disciplines such as theater may be available.

    Student must be recommended by the art teacher to enroll in

    2D Studio Art 2   (#0101310).


    Drawing 3 Honors   (#0104360)

    Prerequisite: 2D Studio Art 1 & 2  (#0101300) (#0101310) and/or teacher recommendation.

    This class will introduce students to drawing and painting from observation. Still life, figure drawing, figure ground relationships and perspective will be taught in relation to the history of Western art. This class is recommended for students who are interested in majoring in computer animation in college.

    Students must be recommended by the art teacher to enroll in

    Drawing 3 Honors   (#0104360)


    Portfolio Development: 2D Design Honors   (#0109320)

    Prerequisite: 2D Studio Art 2 (#0101310) and/or Drawing 3 Honors (#0104360)

    Students will engage in the development of a portfolio of work that can be submitted to colleges for admission, to Scholastic Art Awards, to College Board (AP Drawing/ AP 2D Design) and for other scholarship and award opportunities. In 2D Design, the emphasis is on demonstrating a clear understanding of how the principles of design organize the elements of art in a work of art or design. Creativity, a process-oriented approach to problem solving and visual communication are emphasized. Digital media, as well as traditional media may be used to complete this body of work.

    Students must be recommended by the art teacher to enroll in Portfolio Development: 2D Design Honors (#0109320)


    Portfolio Development: Drawing-Honors   (#0109310)

    Prerequisite: 2D Studio Art 2 (#0101310)

    and/or Drawing 3 Honors (#0104360)

    Students will engage in the development of a body of work that evidences effective use of light and shade, expressive mark-making, composition, creativity, mastery of perspective, figure-ground relationships and drawing and painting from observation. Digital media can be utilized to create a drawing portfolio. Building a portfolio of work that can be submitted to colleges for admission, to Scholastic Art Awards, to College Board (AP Drawing/ AP 2D Design) and for other scholarship and award opportunities is the objective of this class.

    Students must be recommended by the art teacher to enroll in Portfolio Development: Drawing Honors (#0109310)


    Advanced Placement Art-Drawing Portfolio   (#0104300)

    Prerequisite: Portfolio Development: Drawing-Honors   (#0109310)

    or Portfolio Development: 2D Design Honors   (#0109320)

    For information on AP Studio Art Drawing see the link below:

    Students must be recommended by the art teacher to enroll in Advanced Placement Art-Drawing Portfolio   (#0104300)



    Advanced Placement Art-2D Design Portfolio  (#0109350)

    Prerequisite: Portfolio Development: Drawing-Honors   (#0109310)

    or Portfolio Development: 2D Design Honors   (#0109320)

    For information on AP Studio Art 2D Design see the link below:

    Students must be recommended by the art teacher to enroll in Advanced Placement Art-2D Design Portfolio  (#0109350)



    Advanced Placement Art-3D Design

    Prerequisite: Ceramics 1, Ceramics 2, Ceramics 3 Honors

    AP Studio Art 3-D Design is a demanding and exciting course for the highly motivated art student. The students create eighteen to twenty three-dimensional artworks that are photographed and submitted digitally to the College Board for assessment. To be academically prepared for this challenging course, the students need to take three levels of three-dimensional art such as ceramics and have a portfolio review with Ms. Furst. The course is usually taken during the student’s 11th grade or 12th grade year. In keeping with the rigor expected in an accelerated setting, students are self-directed and display readiness for high levels of critical thinking, research, conceptual thinking, and creative risk-taking. Students work in a self-directed environment and are able to articulate and support their ideas by writing an artist's statement. 

    For information on AP Art History see the link below:



    Sydney Metoyer, Grade 12

    Sydney Metoyer, Grade 12

    AP Studio Art sustained investigation about "Dangerous Cells"

    Teacher: Ms. Shannon Furst