Principal's Message

  • Principal

    August 2024

    Greetings Broadview Families!

    Welcome to the 24/25 school year. We are very proud that our school moved up one letter grade to a “B” as designated by the state’s educational accountability guidelines. Our goal is to continue the path of making our school one of the best institutions of teaching and learning in Broward County. You’re probably also aware that our school district achieved a letter grade of “A” by the state. We are proud of both accomplishments. With your support and partnership, we will continue to excel in our core business of teaching and learning.

    Campus security continues to be our #1 priority. Please show your identification at the main gate and state the purpose of your visit. Once you enter campus, please park in the designated parking spaces and be prepared to show your identification at the single point of entry after you ring the doorbell. For the security of our students please stay off your cell phone upon entering our school zone.

    School begins promptly at 8AM. PLEASE do not drop off students before 7:15AM as there is no one here to supervise them. Students arriving late are missing critical morning instruction and interrupting the flow of classroom activities. For your convenience, breakfast begins at 7AM and ends at 7:45AM. Both breakfast and lunch are free to all students.

    Please make certain that your personal contact information is correct in our system (phone number, address, email). It is critically important that we can reach you in an emergency. Important messages are also disseminated via our Parent Link and email systems.

    First day packets consisting of very important documents are being sent home. Please complete these forms to your child’s teacher ASAP.

    You will be introduced to FOCUS as the main platform for retrieving your child's information such as grades, etc. Stay tuned for information regarding FOCUS. You can also explore the following website:

    Finally, as the school year progresses it is of great importance to stay in touch with your child’s teacher relating him/her academic progress.

    As always, we thank you for the opportunity to serve your family. Please contact us for any support you may need

    Proud to be your Principal,

    Dr. Josh Kisten