- Parkside Elementary
- Principal's Message
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Principal's Message
Greetings Parkside Families (updated 08/30/2024),
Administrator’s Corner
Welcome back Parkside Families to the 2024/25 school year. We are so excited to kick off this year where our students will G.L.O.W., Growing and Learning Our Way. On August 12th, we welcomed back over 700 students back to our campus. It was so nice to see all of our returning Panthers and greet a lot of new faces. We are happy to make you part of the Parkside Team.
The first few weeks have been running very smoothly. Students are getting into routines, our arrival and dismissal is moving along and teachers have jumped right into the curriculum and getting all of our beginning of the year assessments out of the way. This week we began our Open Houses for all of Pre-K-2nd and ESE. Next Wednesday, September 4th we will have our grade 3-5 Open House. This will start at 6:30 pm. This is a parent-only event if at all possible. It is important for you to come out, especially in these upper grades, and hear all about grade level expectations, the curriculum and what assessments will look like throughout the year. We look forward to seeing you.
Back-to school forms were sent home the first few days of school, and it is critical you take some time and fill these out completely. Even though you may have completed these online, we still need the hard copies of the emergency cards. These are mainly used by our clinic nurse as she does not have access to any forms online. If there is an emergency or medical situation with your child, we cannot treat your child without this information. Please help us out and get these back to school as soon as you can.
Communication is really important for us here at Parkside. There are several ways to stay in the loop with what’s happening at our school. All teachers should have or will be sharing with you their direct contact information or communication app they use to share information with you. Each week I put out a Parentlink with our updates for the upcoming week. This link comes to parents/guardians in four ways. You can receive a phone call, and email, dates are sent in a text, and through the app. If you have not been getting these links, please contact the front office to make sure we have the accurate phone numbers, emails, etc… on file. Also, we ask if you receive a call from the school to please check your voicemail or set up your voicemail in order to receive messages. Several times we have parents calling back to the school saying they received a call, and we have no idea who called. It could be the teacher, the clinic, parent link or maybe tardy or absences. Our website and marquee will also keep you in the loop about important dates coming up and, finally, our monthly newsletter. We are here to provide service for you and your children, so if you have questions please feel free to reach out to us. Both, Ms. Martin and myself are here to help you all.
FOCUS, is the new Student Information System we are using in our District. This is where you will stay connected with your child’s education. This system will provide you test scores, attendance, medical, and so much more. If you have not registered to be a part of the portal please take a few minutes to do so. The web address is https://www.browardschools.com/focus.
Just a reminder about attendance for your children. School does start promptly, at 8:00 am. Students are expected to be in class at this time. If a student arrives after 8, they are considered tardy. If your child arrives after our gate closes, a parent must sign in your child. School ends at 2:00 pm. If you need to pick your child up prior to this time, you must do so by 1:30. We cannot release any students after this time. Students should always be in school unless there is a true family emergency or illness. You should all have received a school calendar, so please try to plan special activities and trips around our scheduled breaks. All the absences and minutes missed in school add up and could lead to truancy issues. We thank you for this.
We are truly looking forward to a wonderful year and happy to have all of our Panthers back. We hope you have had a great start as well and look forward to meeting those of you who I have not met yet.
WE thank you for being a part of Parkside
Where we G.L.O.W, Growing and Learning Together.
Ms. Laneia Hall, Principal
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Parkside Out Of Field List