We Care - Know The Rules

  • The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC) consists of nine elected School Board Members who serve four-year terms. Two of the School Board Members are elected “at large” by all of the electors in Broward County. The other seven School Board Members are elected from seven school board member residence areas. The School Board Members, along with the Superintendent, oversee the sixth-largest District in the nation. The SBBC implements policies that govern ethical, fiduciary, and scholastic mandates, protocols, and procedures for the District's schools, offices, and departments subject to any applicable federal, state, or local laws. The SBBC answers to the residents and taxpayers of Broward County in an ethical, open, and transparent manner. 

    A school principal may supplement District policies by outlining rules specific to the school such as uniform colors, cell phone usage areas, and drop off/pick up times. However, school rules are limited in scope and do not supersede school district policies.

  • Anonymous/Non-Anonymous Security Tip Reporting

    Anonymous/Non-Anonymous Security Tip Reporting

    Call 911 immediately in an emergency.

    Submit a safety or security tip that is not an emergency directly to the District Security Operations Center (DSOC), open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (including holidays). CLICK or TAP on the icon below.

    See something, say something
    From there, choose the reporting tool that works best for you by learning more about how they work and how easy they are to use.   

    What to report: Please report safety and security threats, bullying and harassing behaviors, illegal activity, self-endangerment behaviors, etc.

    Details are everything: Please provide as many details as you can, such as names and physical description of anyone involved, school location, social media handles, date of when threats are supposed to occur, etc.

    We respect your privacy and care about your safety. Your tip is shared only with investigators and administrators assigned to the tip.

    Remember, helping is not the same as snitching. We are counting on you to help us help a friend.
    Be a Broward Buddy, Report a Tip!

  • Absence Reporting/Attendance

    Report an Absence Online

    According to SBBC Policy 5.5: All students under 16 are required to attend school every day of the 180-day school year. Absences are established by tardiness, early sign-outs, or absences for all or part of any day. The maximum number of acceptable absences is 5 days. Additionally, please note that students may not be released after 2:40 p.m.

    1. Parents have 2 days (48 hours) in which to report an absence.
    2. The Attendance Policy allows eight (8) reasons for absence to be excused.
    3. Make up work for credit and grade is allowed for ALL absences. Learn more about Homework/Makeup Work.

  • Anti-Bullying

    SAFER Parent Bullying Role-Play

  • Cell Phone

    Possession of a wireless communication device that disrupts the educational process is a violation. Cellular phones, camera phones, and pagers are prohibited at all times during class unless specifically instructed to do so as part of the lesson.

  • Emergency Drills

    All Broward County Public Schools conduct regular exercises and drills at various times as outlined in the Florida Fire Code and Florida Administrative Code.

    To aid in this process, every school has a designated SAFE team comprised of faculty and staff who have been specially trained on appropriate procedures to ensure every school follows safety protocol.

    Discussion-based tabletop exercises are also conducted regularly with staff, faculty, and community partners, and the results of these exercises are documented and incorporated into school safety plans as necessary.  

    All public schools are required to conduct one (1) fire drill per month with one (1) additional occurring within the first 30 days. Additionally, public schools are required to conduct, at a minimum, six (6) emergency drills every school year that are nonconcurrent with fire drills. One emergency drill must take place within the first ten (10) days of the beginning of the school year, and the remaining drills may not occur more than forty-five (45) days apart. Four (4) of the six (6) emergency drills must address active threats. The remaining two (2) drills must address other emergency events, such as severe weather, natural disasters, hazardous materials incidents, or reunification.

    Students are expected to fully participate in drills and follow the directions of faculty and staff.

  • Dress Code

    The dress code rules enforced at our school align directly with the District's Unified School Dress - Policy 5309. Review the District policies outlined on this page for more information.

    Polo Shirts:  White, Red, Black


    Bottoms/Dresses: Khaki or Black

    uniform bottoms

  • Parents & Visitors

    All visitors including parents must check into the attendance office prior to going to any classrooms or any area on campus. An official photo identification (ID) is required. Acceptable forms of ID include the following:

    • Driver’s license
    • Florida’s official state identification card
    • Passport

    If you want to tour a classroom during school hours IT MUST be scheduled 48 hours in advance with the Front Office.  

  • Parking

    Visitor Parking

    All visitors must park in the designated visitor parking spaces. Please do not park in spaces designated for faculty and staff or in the bus loop. 

  • Perimeter Gates Procedures


    This mandate requires a certain level of security to our perimeter fencing. ALL traffic will enter and exit the school via the 70th Avenue entrance of the school. This includes both morning and afternoon traffic. The entrance by the school cafeteria is designated for EMPLOYEE PARKING only. The east side of the school (68th Avenue) is for BUSES AND EMPLOYEE PARKING only.

    The perimeter fence in the front of the school (70th Avenue) will be fully opened from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM and then again from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Outside of these windows times, you will need to call the front office (754-322-8750) to request for someone to open the gate. As such, please plan ahead as any requests for scholars to be released early will require additional time. Additionally, it is important that your scholars are in school on time daily. Any scholars arriving AFTER 9:00 AM will require that the parent comes INSIDE to sign them to school!!

    Please know and understand that we remain committed to the safety and security of our school community. Your patience, cooperation, and flexibility is requested as we continue with our increased security process.

  • Pick Up/Drop Off - Arrival Procedures

    There is no supervision on campus prior to 8:00 AM. The perimeter gates to the school will be closed until that time. At 8:00 AM, the gates will be opened for student access. Please keep traffic moving by staying in your cars and not parking in the fire lane. If you need to attend a conference or come into the front office at any time, please use one of the designated parking spots in the front of the school. Additionally, please be respectful of our neighbors and do not park in their driveways or block the city roads.


  • Pick Up/Drop Off - Dismissal Procedures

    • Walkers
      • Walkers will be able to exit the school via the walker gate on 70th Avenue ONLY. As in the past, our Kindergarten and 1st Grade walkers will be at the gate by the marquee on 70th Avenue. This is where you can go to pick them up. They will be there with a teacher who will wait for someone to come pick them up. Students not picked up by 3:20 PM will be walked to the front office side of the school and you will have to drive in to get them or walk to that side. All other walkers will be dismissed on their own from the 70th Avenue exit. Please make sure that your scholar knows where to go and what to do. Due to the high volume of traffic and for safety reasons, all scholars must go directly home and not linger around. There is NO supervision on campus after 3:40 PM.

    • Car Riders
      • All car rider dismissal will take place in front of the school off 70th Avenue. There will be designated locations for all grade levels. Scholars who have younger siblings are to go to the designated area on the far WEST side with their younger siblings. Please follow these instructions below:

      • HAVE YOUR CAR DISMISSAL TAG DISPLAYED AT ALL TIMES! Put your car dismissal tag on your rearview mirror under the visor on the PASSENGER side so that staff can see the names. You can pick this up at the Meet & Greet or on the first day of school.

      • PLEASE PULL ALL THE WAY FORWARD--DO NOT STOP AND BLOCK THE CAR LINE. We will direct your child to you. It is easier to pull as many cars forward and fill those cars than to load one car at a time.

      • STAY IN THE FAR RIGHT LANE! Scholars will NOT be allowed to enter cars in the left lane. If you have to pull forward to a grade level, REMAIN IN THE RIGHT LANE. Do not try to go around. You will be directed to leave the parking lot if you stop your car or stop in the wrong spot.

      • DO NOT PARK YOUR CAR AND GET OUT. You must remain with your vehicle at all times. You may not get out of the car to look for your child. You will be directed on where to stop and wait for your child to come to you.

      • DO NOT DESIGNATE YOUR CHILD A CAR RIDER AND THEN WALK UP TO GET THEM. You will NOT be serviced as this will interfere with the processes and procedures of the car loop. If your child is listed as a car rider, you MUST remain in your car. If you wish to walk up to get your child, please list them as car riders. ALL kindergarten and 1st-grade scholars will be held until the parent or an older sibling comes to get them from the WALKER area.

      • DRIVE SLOWLY AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTION OF SCHOOL PERSONNEL. Your patience is appreciated with this new traffic pattern. Please follow the direction of school personnel and demonstrate respect and courtesy for your fellow citizens.

      • DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HAVE CONVERSATIONS WITH SCHOOL PERSONNEL DURING DISMISSAL. Dismissal time is a very serious time and a moment where a child can easily be misplaced. You are asked not to attempt to engage in long conversations with the Administration or any teachers/personnel during this time. We are required to stay vigilant and watchful to ensure that all of our scholars are safely dismissed.

    • Bus Riders
      • In order for your child to be dismissed on a bus, they MUST be on the bus list for that bus. All scholars on an SBBC bus will have a bus pass to ride the bus. If the scholar is to go home to a private after-care provider (Boys and Girls Club, New Society, etc.), that agency MUST provide a list with your child's name on it. If their name is NOT on the list, they will NOT be able to ride that bus. It is imperative that you make sure the private provider has your child on their list. A student cannot be taken off the bus for a change of dismissal without proof of the change in writing from the parent. Transportation information is currently online for your scholar on Virtual Counselor. You can check your child's pick up and drop off time, bus stop location, and route number there. For directions on how to find this out, CLICK HERE!!


    Please use this form. 

    Change of Dismissal Form

    We will NOT make any changes of dismissal over the phone at any time for any reason!! You MAY submit a change of dismissal by completing a Change of Dismissal form and sending it to the Front Office or your child's teacher that morning.

    No changes of dismissal will be accepted after 12 noon.

    Students shall not be released within the final 30 minutes of the school day unless the principal/designee determines that it is an emergency or the student has a medical/dental appointment that cannot be reasonably scheduled at another time.

    Broward County School Board Attendance Policies

  • Retention & Promotion

    This is a policy about retention and promotion.

    Please click here to read the detailed Policy 6000.1.

  • Tardy

    Students arriving after 8:40 AM will be considered TARDY. If students arrive after 8:40  AM, the student will need to obtain a pass from the front office to be admitted to class.

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