
Welcome to the Magnificent Math Department!

  • Mission: To provide a rigorous math curriculum in developing high school ready, college-bound students. We aim to support lifelong learners who can solve problems independently in real-world situations.
    Our teachers worked hard throughout the summer to create curriculum and prepare for a new year of success. Teachers will involve and challenge students in the classroom through engaging lessons and activities, while also providing support for all learners.

    For the first time, we are excited to be utilizing IXL as our diagnostic and skill assessment/review tool. IXL offers a Continuous Diagnostic, the first of its kind, which delivers student insights that are always up to date. It also offers personalized recommendations that tell teachers exactly how to target knowledge gaps and help students progress. It’s a game-changing resource for both teachers and students!

    Our school-wide math plan will be implemented through first-period homeroom classes, where students will have an extended opportunity to master math skills in collaboration with their peers. Students will receive a grade for this assignment, and their participation is required.

    Below are some additional resources students can use.

    The following textbooks can be accessed through Single Sign-ON (SSO) https://sso.browardschools.com/ :
    § 6th Grade: Florida Go Math 1 (Advance for 6th Advance)
    § 7th Grade: Florida Go Math 2 (Advance for 7th Advance)
    § 8th Grade: Florida Go Math Pre-Algebra
    § GEM 6: Florida Go Math Advance 1 & 2
    § GEM 7 (Algebra 1 Honors): Florida Algebra 1 with Exploration in Core Math
    § GEM 8 (Geometry): Florida Geometry with Exploration in Core Math

    Useful Websites
    o Illuminations online Activities: http://illuminations.nctm.org

    o National Library of Virtual Manipulatives: http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html
    o The Futures Channel: http://www.thefutureschannel.com/index.php
    o Helpful videos - virtual nerd: www.virtualnerd.com
    o Khan Academy: www.khanacademy.com
    o IXL log in www.ixl.com. (See instructions below)
    Sign in to IXL by entering your student username and password at www.ixl.com Choose your desired grade level and click the link to view all practice skills for that grade. Choose a skill and click the skill name to start practicing it. Read the question and indicate your answer. Continue practicing until you master the skill by reaching a SmartScore set by your teacher or challenge yourself to reach 100.