College Application Fees

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  • A college application fee typically ranges from $40 to $75, so it may seem like a relatively small amount compared to the total cost of your college attendance. However, between “reach,” “target,” and “safety” colleges, you can find yourself giving up hundreds of dollars even before you get a single acceptance letter. Evaluate your budget and choose wisely. Below are resources that may assist with the decision making.

    52 Ranked colleges with zero application fees.

    How to use college application fee waivers.

    Common Black College Application allows individuals to apply to all 66 member Historical Black College & Universities (HSCU) institutions at once. Please click here to view the flyer for more information and here for the application. Good luck!

    University of North Florida (UNF) is still accepting applications! Students can continue to apply through our UNF institutional application as well as the Common App. Students will need to submit a $30 application fee or fee waiver, the Self-reported Student Academic Record (SSAR) or their high school transcripts and their ACT and/SAT test scores along with their application to receive an admissions decision. If your students have any questions about these materials, please have them reach out directly to Lauren Viar.

    Students who have been admitted to the summer or fall 2022 term are encouraged to submit the FAFSA! UNF’s FAFSA code is 009841. If students have questions, the need to email admissions.

    MyFloridaFuture ResourceAt the University of North Florida, students are our first priority. UNF recognizes that every student is an individual, with different goals and different needs. UNF provides a comprehensive student financial aid program based on individual need, educational costs, and availability of funds. Awards may consist of scholarships, loans, grants and/or employment. Students and parents may also utilize MyFloridaFuture, a free, online college and career planning tool that provides information on salary, graduate employment, student debt and additional educational opportunities by degree programs in Florida.