Considering Medical School

Image of soccer ball, adult legs and child in wheel chair

Nursing School

  • Florida International University only takes 100 pre-nursing students into their nursing program per year.

    Florida Atlantic University says that if you don't get into the nursing program in year one, you, very likely, won't be able to transfer in.

    Nova Southeastern University will only take you into pre-nursing. After 2 years, you may apply to get into the nursing program (BSN). They have 100 nursing seats open in the fall, and 100 open in the winter (Jan.). They get 600-700 applications in fall and 500-600 applications in winter.

    The bottom line is.... if you are majoring in nursing, go to whatever school will take you directly into the nursing program. Do your research!

  • Barry University

  • Florida International University

    Florida International University only takes 100 pre-nursing students into their nursing program per year.

  • Nova Southeastern University

    Nova Southeastern University – will only take you into pre-nursing. After 2 years, you may apply to get into the nursing program (BSN). They have 100 nursing seats open in the fall, and 100 open in the winter (Jan.). They get 600-700 applications in fall and 500-600 applications in winter.

    All students will have an Edge Advisor (academic and career coach) that will advise them on applying for NSU college of nursing program after completing their nursing pre-requisites. NSU does not offer direct entry into our college of nursing. The student’s Deans Scholarship can be applied to the college of nursing if they complete their pre-nursing program at NSU. Entry bachelor’s in nursing.

  • University of Pittsburg School of Pharmacy

  • University of West Florida, Dr. D.W. McMilan BSN Nursing Program

    Dr. D.W. McMilan BSN Nursing Program, University of West Florida
    Located in Pensacola

    Student/teacher ratio - 28:1 - a few classes with 100 students

    Has 13,000 students

    The most prevalent majors: nursing, business, biomedical sciences, marine biology, biology, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, exercise science.

    • Army and AF ROTC
    • Has mentorships, internships, study abroad, research opportunities
    • 150+ student organizations
    • 16 fraternities and sororities
    • Division II Athletics
    • National Championships in football and cheerleading

    For admission, you need official test scores and SSAR.

    Minimums GPA to be considered for acceptance = 2.5

    ACT- 19 reading, 19 math, 17 English

    SAT – 24 reading, 24 math, 25 writing/language                         

    Estimated cost:  $16,040 = sticker price
    (consists of $6,360 tuition, $5,800 housing, $3,880 meals)

    Merit Scholarships range from $8,000-$16,000 over 4 years. 
    Freshman Awards:

    • Presidential Scholarship - 300 students compete for 6 full rides - by invitation
    • National Merit Finalist Scholarship - automatic full ride
    • Argo Spirit - not merit based - full ride - separate application - due April 1 - overcome obstacles - must be FL resident and Pell-eligible - short video essay, written essay, letter of rec.
    • Argo 30 Guarantee - Pell-eligible, FL resident - covers up to 30 hours of tuition and fees not covered by other grants and scholarships.
    • Everyone should complete FAFSA
    • Financial aid packages emailed in late Feb.