The Academy of Music and Media Conservatory will be split between two pathways including Band and Journalism. Band students will develop skills related to musical performing arts, such as; synchronization, sight-reading, harmonization, composition, and improvisation. The band will also support the magnet programs by composing musical content for the Awesome Olsen Middle academies. Journalism students will learn the fundamentals of journalism and be immersed in a multimedia curriculum of video, audio, and web content production. Mentors from the Miami Herald and BECON TV will be coming to speak to our students. The journalism students will also take part in the production of our Viking TV station.
Phone: 754-323-3800
Degrees and Certifications:
Florida State University, Bachelor's Degree
Ms. Amos is an exciting new educator at Awesome Olsen Middle School. She is a recent graduate of Florida State University and is driven to inspire students to achieve their best, musically. She is respected as a mentor by her students to such a degree that almost all students stay after school and give up lunch for additional practice.