    Broward College is offering Fall Dual Enrollment for students in grades 9-11th that have an unweighted GPA of a 3.0 of higher. In order to qualify, you must also pass the ACCUPLACER Exam and/or ACT/SAT. If you have signed up to take ENC 1101 and/or HLP1081 at EHS, you MUST complete the Dual Enrollment form as well.
    Students, if you are interested, please complete your testing EARLY by following the below steps:

    For deadlines, please visit your Gator-Aid CANVAS page.

    1. Go to www.broward.edu/dual (Links to an external site.)
    2. Click on the Testing tile.
    3. If a student is new, the student must apply to BC online first.
    4. Complete the Remote Testing Request Form
    5. Students will receive a voucher for testing to their personal email address. This may take up to 5 business days 
    6. Students should follow directions to schedule their exam.
    7. Students should share final scores with counselors.
    8. Complete the Dual Enrollment paperwork: https://www.broward.edu/academics/dual-enrollment/students.html 
    9. Once you register for classes, please send your schedule to gina.alvarez@browardschools.com so that your schedule can be adjusted.
    10. For more information about BC, please watch the Zoom video 

      Recorded Zoom Link:  https://broward-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/RDfuRMMiulFy117lWm0aHjRR9_iR4Xlf61kxR_3mSvKP2bOjeXo0q9Fe7rg--RfK.vwLINEwDmu1k8pW1?startTime=1725570077000 


      District Guidelines for Dual Enrollment:

      Grades 9-10: May take one* DE course per semester at BC for a maximum total of two courses during the school year and one summer course (if applicable). The DE class may be taken on the college campus, on the high school campus, or online.

      Grade 11: May take two* total DE courses per semester at BC, UF, or any combination of those schools for a maximum total of four courses during the school year and one summer course. Both DE courses may be taken on the high school campus or if the student takes take one DE course on the college campus or online then the second DE course must be taken on the high school campus.

      Grade 12: May take three* total DE courses per semester at BC, UF, or any combination of those schools for a maximum total of six courses during the school year. All DE courses may be taken on the high school campus; however, students may take a maximum of two DE courses on the college campus or online and the remaining DE course(s) must be taken on the high school campus.

      *Courses with a required lab are considered one course, even though the lab is a separate course for registration purposes.

      -Early Admissions students (SENIORS ONLY) must take a minimum of 12-15 credits each term during their senior year.