Athletics Forms


    • All potential student athletes that wish to tryout and/or play an extra-curricular sport must utilize this website.
    • All requited paperwork is available and downloadable from this platform
    • All paperwork that is submitted will be assessed by the athletic director for approval
    • Paperwork must have all appropriate dates and signatures
    • The system creates a database for athletic administrators and coaches {parent contact, health concerns/injuries etc)
    • The athlete’s paperwork must be updated annually


    Click the link to get started:

    Click the link for short tutorials on setting up your account:

    • School Namer: Everglades High School
    • School Code: Y83DT6

    Once you create your account, download the Dragonfly Max app to your phone. This will give you the opportunity to take photos of documents to upload if you cannot scan them to your computer.

    Required Paperwork:

    1. U18 Consent Form
    • Gives the Certified Athletic Trainer and Memorial Health Care consent for treatment
    • This document can be digitally signed on the dragonflymax website or uploaded
    1. Insurance Card
    • FHSAA and Broward County protocols require schools to have a copy of an insurance card for all student-athletesSportsmanship Policy
    • We need a copy of both front and back of the card.
    • You can take a picture with your phone or create a pdf of the card. *If you are uploading from the phone app you will need to create a picture collage of the front and back and upload. If using a computer you have the option of adding each picture separately. You can also copy both sides and create a pdf and upload as one sheet.
    • Photo/PDF must be directly uploaded to Dragonflymax
    1. EL2 Physical Form
    • Required by FHSAA. This is the most important document. It clears students to participate by a physician.
    • MUST be signed, dated and STAMPED by a physician
    • You will need to print this document and take it with you to the doctor’s office
    • Front page is signed by student and parent
    • Page 2 is signed by physician
    • Page 3 is signed only if physician 1 refers athlete to another physician
    • ALL 3 pages must be uploaded to dragonflymax
    1. EL3 Consent and Release from Liability
    • Required by FHSAA. This is a release of liability and compliance certification from parent and student-athlete
    • This form is a 4 page document and all pages must be signed, dated and uploaded to dragonflymax
    1. Impact Testing Consent Form
    • A pre-season physical of the brain. Designed in a computerized game like situation.
    • Helps in managing concussions if they may occur
    1. Sportsmanship Policy
    • Code of conduct and behavioral expectations
    1. GA4 Form Recruiting Affidavit
    • Affidavit of compliance with the Policies on the Athletic Recruiting and Non-Traditional Student Participation.
    • Required for any student who did not start the 9th grade at Everglades High School. (Anyone entering the 9th grade or have only attended Everglades High School do not need to complete this form) 


    FHSAA Policies 40.1.1, 41.1 and 42.1 mandated courses for all athletes

    Dragonfly Getting Started information