• Orchestra Audition Requirements

    Auditions are scheduled at the Dillard Center for the Arts, 2501 NW 11th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL on specific dates as scheduled by the Arts faculty.

    Applicants may warm up for thirty minutes in an assigned practice room before their auditions. If an applicant is late for the scheduled audition, the audition committee will decide whether or not to hear the audition. The committee is not obliged to hear all the music that an applicant may have prepared nor to give an audition evaluation.

    Instrumental Music
    On the day of the scheduled audition, students must demonstrate the ability to read music. Students will be given a sight-reading piece of appropriate grade level and must demonstrate the ability to follow musical direction. Requirements for specific areas as follows:

    a) The specific prepared exercises for their instrument(s) as listed below. Please note the suggested tempi that have been given.

    b) 2 scales from the following list as appropriate for their instrument.  - All Scales should be memorized. Quarter note equals 120. Scales from the lists below.

    • Violin: G, D, C (2 Octaves)
    • Viola: C, D, G (2 Octaves)
    • Cello: C, D, G (2 Octaves)
    • Bass: D, G, C (1 Octave)

    c) A short sight - reading exercise(s) to demonstrate the student’s reading ability. The student will have thirty seconds to study the piece before playing it.

    Violin; Prepared Piece: Excerpt 2, begin and end as indicated, tempo; dotted half note = 60 bpm. Download The Violin Prepared Piece

    Viola; Prepared Piece: Excerpt 2, begin and end as indicated, tempo; dotted half note = 60 bpm. Download The Violin Prepared Piece

    Cello;Prepared Piece: Excerpt 2, begin and end as indicated, tempo; dotted half note = 60 bpm. Download The Cello Prepared Piece

    Bass;Prepared Piece: Excerpt 2, begin and end as indicated, tempo; dotted half note = 60 bpm. Download The Cello Prepared Piece