Magnet Programs at Our School

Magnet Programs
  • If you are searching for an exciting and rigorous learning environment that promotes fun, academic excellence, cultural diversity, creativity, and student achievement, look no further because Northeast High Magnet School is the place to be. Our programs equip students with the necessary knowledge, information, and skills that will gear them toward success.

    We are a Magnet school of Alternative Energy, Industrial Biotechnology, and The Latin School. Being a Magnet school means that we are provided with additional funds for instructional staff, clerical personnel, field trips, and materials. We utilize these funds by providing state-of-the-art technology, fully equipped science labs, and field trips. Lab activities and field trips are aligned with our school, district, and state instructional focus and standards. 

  • Alternative Energy

    The Alternative Energy program allows students to explore the current and emerging alternative energy industry. This program is an engineering program focused on the energy industry and the global impact of renewable and non-renewable resources. Courses throughout this program explore the following: engineering, career opportunities, scientific and research concepts, electricity production, delivery, and management, biological and physical science principles, environmental principles, and alternative energy safety. Engineering-based activities are an integral part of this program, as are several certifications, including Fusion 360 and Lean Six Sigma. Our partnership with Florida Power and Light, Company helps facilitate fieldtrips and guest speakers related to our program. Graduates are attending University of Florida, Notre Dame University, Florida State University, University of Central Florida, Florida Atlantic University, University of South Florida, University of North Florida, Florida Gulf Coast University, to major in engineering. Some students have opted to attend two-year programs such as Alternative Energy Engineering Technologies at Palm Beach State College and Lake Sumter State College. Employment options are excellent for students completing engineering or engineering technologies programs, with 100% employment rate!

  • Industrial Biotechnology

    Industrial Biotechnology is an exciting program offering students the opportunity to earn an industry certificate along with rigorous content for furthering their education. Challenging laboratory and conceptual experiences prepare students for entry-level positions in the cutting edge industry of biotechnology, with students working on their college campus in research labs while earning their degree. The coursework focuses on developing laboratory and biotechnology skills that are current and in demand for this rapidly growing occupation. Biotechnology at Northeast offers a sequence of courses that provide content and relevant technical skills needed to prepare students for further education and careers in biochemistery and molecular biology. Content involves learning biochemistry and the lab protocols used in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA (ribonucleic acid), and proteins. 

  • The Latin School

    The basis for The Latin School comes from the oldest institution to bear this designation, Boston Latin School founded in 1635. This institution is a public school that bases its curriculum on the classical forms of its students seeking university entrance and the professions that would serve the good of society: law, medicine, the arts, and sciences. Northeast's Latin School offers an enriched classical education that promotes strong academic achievement and intellectual curiosity. Students have the opportunity to study Latin, and within Latin classes, ancient Greek. This program is designed for students who have a desire to go beyond the boundaries of high school studies and embrace the world of arts, literature, history, science, math, and technology according to their individual strengths and interests. Students are encouraged to participate in the wide variety of college-level Advanced Placement, AICE Cambridge, and  Dual-Enrollment courses to facilitate their transition to university studies. 

Broward County Magnet Programs

  • The Broward County Public School district is a nationally recognized leader in the quality and diversity of education we offer students. Magnet programs offer educational choices in Broward County Public Schools. Magnet programs attract students by offering unique opportunities for in-depth experiences and study in specific areas of interest. Our school offers magnet programs in specialized themes to create educational interests, celebrate cultural and ethnic diversity, and foster student achievement.

Magnet Program Eligibility

  • Magnet Programs are open to qualified students throughout the state of Florida. All students entering grades K-12 may apply. Students must be five years old by September 1st to enter kindergarten. All students will demonstrate good conduct. At the secondary level, academic/talent entrance criteria have been established for admission to each Magnet Program as a means of promoting student success. Learn more about the academic requirements for middle and high school students. 

    The School Board of Broward County is committed to providing settings for education that promote understanding of diversity, tolerance and fair play, so that the positive tenets of a democratic society are reinforced by what students experience in schools. In the Broward County Public Schools, diversity is broadly defined to include students of different genders, of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, of various socioeconomic circumstances, those who speak English as a second language, and those who have exceptional and special needs.

Application Information

    • Before completing a magnet application, you will need to ensure that your child has a student identification number with Broward County Public Schools. You may secure the identification number from your child's home boundary school or any public school in Broward County.
    • Incomplete applications will NOT be processed. Only one application per student will be accepted. Applications received or postmarked after the close of the application window will be processed at a later date pending space availability.
    • Students applying to kindergarten must be five years old by September 1st.
    • All Middle School and High School applicants must submit a copy of their most recent report card when completing their applications through the School Choice Web Page for more information.

Contact Information

  • NHS Magnet Programs

    700 NE 56 Street

    Oakland Park, Florida 33334

    Phone: 754-322-1618

    Fax: 754-322-1683

    TTL: --

    Twitter: @nhs_magnet

    Phone: 754-322-1554

    Ms. Nosky

    Magnet Coordinator

  • msa schools of excellence