- Hollywood Hills High
- Welcome to JROTC

Why Join the JROTC?
The Army JROTC program plays an important role in the success of America’s children and communities. Since its inception, the JROTC program has been viewed as a strong program that provides youth with much-needed skills in citizenship and leadership. Additionally, numerous studies have shown that students who participate in JROTC programs have better attendance, grades, and graduation rates relative to students who were in general academic programs. These students also demonstrate a higher level of participation in community service activities.
There are many advantages associated with the JROTC program. Some of the ways that your teen can benefit from participation in JROTC include:
- Appreciate the ethical values and principles that underlie good citizenship.
- Develop leadership potential, while living and working cooperatively with others
- To be able to think logically and to communicate effectively with others, both orally and in writing.
- To appreciate the importance of physical fitness in maintaining good health.
- Learning cooperation.
- Emphasis on the importance of a good education and high school graduation.
- Access to information about post-high school opportunities including college and professional training.
- Time management skills.
- Understanding America’s culture, and the military’s place in it.
- There are many opportunities and advantages to the JROTC program. Learning about discipline and proper personal management are valuable skills. Another advantage is that your teenager can interact with students who are also interested in achievement. This provides a good environment for teenagers, and positive peer pressure. Additionally, teens can learn from their instructors, who serve as positive role models and mentors.
History of the JROTC
The United States Army Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) came nto being with the passage of the National Defense Act of 1916. Under the provisions of theAct, high schools were authorized the loan of federal military equipment and the assignment of active duty instructors with retirees who worked for and were cost shared by the schools.
The JROTC Program has changed greatly over the years. Once looked upon primarily as a source of enlisted recruits and officer candidates, it became a citizenship program devoted to the moral, physical and educational uplift of American youth. Although the program retained its military structure and the resultant ability to infuse in its student adets a sense of disciplineand order, it shed most of its early military content.
JROTC is a continung success story. From a modest beginning of 6 units in 1916, JROTC has expanded to 1645 schools today and to every state in the nation and American schools overseas. Cadet enrollment has grown to 281,000 cadets with 4,000 professional instructors in the classrooms.
Message from the Senior Army Instructor Chief Warrant Officer Four Eddie A. Jones
Welcome to the Army JROTC Spartan Battalion at Hollywood Hills High School. The effects of the Army JROTC program at Hollywood Hills High School reach far beyond the classroom and into the community in developing character, leadership, and civic responsibility. Army JROTC at its essence is a character education program. The program keeps kids in school, helps them find their way during the turbulent teenage years, and assists them in becoming productive members of their community. Our JROTC program at Hollywood Hills produces young men and women who are ready to accept the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship. We are rightfully proud of our contribution to America's future and thankful for the Broward County School Board, the dedicated school administrative staff and faculty, and members of our community whose hard work and commitment make this program's success possible.
My Beliefs
As Program Director and Senior Army Instructor, I see my role at Hollywood Hills High School as more than just a job--it is a vital cause in helping to elevate the general welfare of our community’s youth by modeling and promoting time-honored Army values, including duty, respect, selfless service, honor, and integrity. I believe these values are critical building blocks and foundational principles of character development and responsible, patriotic citizenship. They are indispensable in preserving our Country’s love of liberty and ensuring a secure future.
Chief Warrant Officer Eddie A. Jones
Senior Army InstructorChief Warrant Officer Four Eddie A. Jones serves as our JROTC Program’s Senior Army Instructor and Director. He brings over 26 years of military experience, knowledge, and training; as well as an attuned level of adept interpersonal skills which inspires and promotes a cohesive educational environment built on effort, productivity, and excellence.
Chief Jones holds a Masters Degree in Science and Strategic Intelligence from the Prestigious National Intelligence University at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, DC. He also holds a Bachelor of Science and Liberal Arts Degree in Administration and Management Studies from Excelsior College, Albany, New York and Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. Upon retirement from active duty, Chief Jones served as the Senior Warrant Officer in United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), in Miami, Florida. As an Army Officer, he served in various positions, duties and assignments as an intelligence officer, interrogator as well as Special Forces Weapons Sergeant while assigned to the Special Operations Forces Community. Chief Jones brings a vast amount of knowledge and experience to our school and invaluable expertise in a variety of educational and technical fields.
Message from Army Instructor Sergeant First Class Troy Finley
Welcome to the HHHS Spartan Battalion! The Hollywood Hills High School Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or JROTC, emphasizes character education, student achievement, wellness, leadership, citizenship, service to community and diversity. It's focus is reflected in it mission "To motivate young people to be better citizens." It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while fostering in each school a more constructive and disciplined learning environment.
The attributes of self-discipline, teamwork, self-confidence, responsiveness to constituted authority and patriotism are developed. Integrated-curricular activities include drill teams, athletic competitions, community parades, and field trips to service installations, educational facilities, and national historical sites.
For more information regarding our JROTC program, click HERE.
Sergeant First Class (SFC) Troy Finley is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and currently assigned as the Army Instructor for Hollywood Hills High School Junior Reserves Officers Training Corps (JROTC). SFC Finley retired from the United States Army in 2011 after 23 years of active duty service. SFC Finley previously served as an Army Instructor at the North Miami Senior High School. While serving in the Army SFC Finley started his military career in Air Defense Artillery then moved on to becoming a Food Service Sergeant and was a member of the All Army Culinary Arts Team and won several Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. After serving as a Team Leader for the Army Culinary Arts Team he was selected out of the top 10% of the Army to become an Army Recruiter and he finished his military career as the Station Commander of the Lauderhill Florida Recruiting Office. He then started his civilian career as an Army Instructor at North Miami Senior High School before bringing his talents to Hollywood Hills High School
With 23 years of military experience, knowledge and training; as well as impeccable interpersonal skills and living the Army Values, SFC Finley passionately embraces the opportunity to Lead, Train and Mentor our Cadet and Students to become successful citizens and excel academically and personally.
First Sergeant (Ret.) Troy Finlay, Army Instructor
The JROTC Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, schools and the Corps of Cadets.
I am loyal and patriotic.
I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the constitution and the American Way of life.
May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.