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Country Isles Elementary School Profile
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
A School Improvement Plan (SIP) containing specific objectives and action steps for achieving Florida's educational goals is required for all schools. The SAC has the primary responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the annual SIP. The SIP must be approved by the School Board.
Components of the School Improvement Plan
- Early Warning Indicators
- School Report Card
- K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan
- Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
- Response to Intervention (MTSS/RtI) Plan
- Social & Emotional Learning Plan (SEL)
- School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP)
- Attendance Plan
- School Counseling Plan
- Equity Plan
- Best Practices in Inclusive Education (BPIE)
- SAC Documentation - Bylaws, Membership, Meeting Dates, Minutes, Agenda, Sign-In Sheets
- Cognia eProve Survey Results
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Plan
To provide our students with the essential skills necessary to become a well-rounded, well-adjusted, contributing member of society. We are committed to Educating Responsible Citizens.
The mission of Country Isles Elementary School is to ensure that all children entering our school will leave with the life skills that will enable them to fulfill their potential to be caring, contributing, productive members of the 21st century. We are dedicated to educating responsible citizens.
The Country Isles Elementary School faculty and staff believe that each child is a complete individual unto himself. His physical, emotional, and intellectual development are his own and because of this, his needs are different from those of his peers. In order to meet the needs of our children, we must learn all we can about them, their interests, their concerns, their capabilities, their out-of-school environment, and their level of achievement. Knowing these things, we can then build a program for each child which recognizes his individuality and provides experiences for him to grow and develop to his optimum. We must make him feel that he belongs and has the ability to achieve. We provide opportunity for him to experience success in academics, in human relationships, and in the discovery of self as a person of worth and dignity. Our primary goal is to provide our students with the essential skills necessary to become a well-rounded, well-adjusted, contributing member of society. As educators, we should be facilitators who help children explore and develop their capacities and who lead by setting the example of the attitudes we expect to develop in our children.