- Country Isles Elementary
- Welcome to ESE
There will always be some students who need a different type of education than others. To that end, Country Isles has several Exceptional Student Education programs and classes. These programs include Gifted, Highly Gifted, Autistic, Varying Exceptionalities (VE), and Speech.
Varying Exceptionalities is a class where the students have various needs, mostly that are academic in nature. These students learn differently than other students. Have you ever put on a pair of shoes and they just didn't fit right? There probably wasn't anything wrong with the shoes, they just didn't fit correctly. That is kind of like what it is for these students when learning. The style of teaching must match the students style of learning. Sometimes that match is not made in the regular class setting. The teacher in this class has had special training to meet the academic needs of these students.Gifted and Highly Gifted classes are for students who have higher level thinking skills than average. The purpose of these classes is to challenge these students to use their abilities fully. The Speech\ Language program helps students who either have difficulty pronouncing letters or using grammar and language correctly. Lastly, the Autistic program, which instructs students with an extremely wide range of abilities and generally includes difficulties with communication.
ESE teachers have special training to assist in teaching their students. They help each child individually to develop their abilities to the fullest. Smaller class sizes allow the teachers to give each child more individual attention.
These programs were designed to meet the needs of students. To be in an ESE program, however, a child must qualify for it by taking various standardized tests and other evaluations. The ESE programs are a big step in the right direction for Country Isles. They provide children with differing abilities an appropriate education.