- Country Isles Elementary
- School Rules
We Care - Know The Rules
The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC) consists of nine elected School Board Members who serve four-year terms. Two of the School Board Members are elected “at large” by all of the electors in Broward County. The other seven School Board Members are elected from seven school board member residence areas. The School Board Members, along with the Superintendent, oversee the sixth-largest District in the nation. The SBBC implements policies that govern ethical, fiduciary, and scholastic mandates, protocols, and procedures for the District's schools, offices, and departments subject to any applicable federal, state, or local laws. The SBBC answers to the residents and taxpayers of Broward County in an ethical, open, and transparent manner.
A school principal may supplement District policies by outlining rules specific to the school such as uniform colors, cell phone usage areas, and drop off/pick up times. However, school rules are limited in scope and do not supersede school district policies.
Our School Rules
Anonymous/Non-Anonymous Security Tip Reporting
Call 911 immediately in an emergency.
Submit a safety or security tip that is not an emergency directly to the District Security Operations Center (DSOC), open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (including holidays). CLICK or TAP on the icon below.
From there, choose the reporting tool that works best for you by learning more about how they work and how easy they are to use.What to report: Please report safety and security threats, bullying and harassing behaviors, illegal activity, self-endangerment behaviors, etc.
Details are everything: Please provide as many details as you can, such as names and physical description of anyone involved, school location, social media handles, date of when threats are supposed to occur, etc.
We respect your privacy and care about your safety. Your tip is shared only with investigators and administrators assigned to the tip.
Remember, helping is not the same as snitching. We are counting on you to help us help a friend.
Be a Broward Buddy, Report a Tip! -
Absence Reporting/Attendance
Every absence must be followed by a note from home or a call from a parent. Our attendance phone number is 754-323-5252. No absence is an excused absence without communication. You will receive an automated call regarding unexcused absences.
If a child has three unexcused absences, you will receive a letter from the State Attorney and the School Board. If you know your child will be out of school more than a week, you should contact the school for make-up work. For absences less than a week, the make-up work should be done when the child returns, and he/she will be allowed twice the time he/she was absent to complete it.
Teachers are not required to send work home with students in advance or who are going away on vacation during the school year. If parents request make-up work due to an extended illness, teachers are given 24 hours to prepare student work that has been missed.
School is not a good place for sick children at any time. Often children miss several days from school when the absence could have been prevented by keeping the child home at the onset of the illness. Allow the child at least 24 hours to recover from fever or an upset stomach. Children who come to school with fevers or coughs will be isolated and sent home as soon as possible.
A good attendance record is an essential component for maximum educational progress. Therefore, it is imperative that your child attend school every day unless he/she is ill.
According to SBBC Policy 5.5: All students under 16 are required to attend school every day of the 180-day school year. Absences are established by tardiness, early sign-outs, or absences for all or part of any day. The maximum number of acceptable absences is 5 days. Additionally, please note that students may not be released after 1:45 p.m.
- Parents have 2 days (48 hours) in which to report an absence.
- The Attendance Policy allows eight (8) reasons for absence to be excused.
- Make up work for credit and grade is allowed for ALL absences. Learn more about Homework/Makeup Work.
Students are to be in class on time. Broward County School Board Policy states: “ A student shall arrive at school and be in class on time each day.....” (#5005.1.3.c.)
Additionally, when our children are tardy, it disrupts the class. Instruction begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. and it is expected that our children be in the classroom and ready to begin the day at that time. Furthermore, teaching children responsibility is a major goal of our school. As a parent, we ask you to assist us in ensuring that your child arrives at school on time.
Any student who accumulates 3 tardies during a quarter will serve detention. Parents will be responsible for any inconveniences related to the detention.
Our teachers utilize each minute of the day in order to maximize learning. All students are expected to be in attendance until 2:00 p.m. Early dismissal is for an emergency ONLY.
Early dismissal should be avoided. Please try to schedule appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.) after school if possible. No early dismissals after 1:30 p.m.
Students will be released only to the parent who registered and signed the registration form. If your child is to be released to another adult, written permission must be given by the parent and approved by the principal. All students must be signed out through the school office.
It is impossible to call all parents in the event of an emergency and school must be dismissed at an unscheduled time. Please have a prearranged plan with your child and see that he/she understands it fully, as phone lines will not be available for outgoing calls at this time. For the school to help you with this plan, an Emergency Dismissal Form will be sent home with your child. Please complete the form and return it to your child’s teacher as soon as possible.
A “rainy day” dismissal is not considered an emergency dismissal. Therefore, parents are discouraged from requesting an early dismissal on rainy days due to congestion in the office and parking lot. Children who are to be transported by parents will be dismissed at the regular time. Walkers and bike riders will be held in the classroom until weather conditions permit a normal dismissal. PARENTS ARE TO INFORM THEIR CHILDREN IF THEY ARE TO BE PICKED UP OR WALK HOME ON RAINY DAYS. SINCE THERE ARE MANY STUDENTS IN OUR SCHOOL, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ALLOW THE CHILDREN THE USE OF THE SCHOOL PHONE FOR THIS PURPOSE.
On days when we experience a heavy storm at dismissal, all children will remain in their classroom. Students who have not been dismissed to parents will be detained until conditions warrant a safe dismissal. This procedure is established to ensure the safety of students.
Birthday Celebrations
We recognize the students’ birthdays on our morning T.V. announcements, in the lunch line, and in class. Please do not send cakes or treats for your child’s birthday. If you would like special recognition for your child please see Ms. Bianco, our Media Specialist, and purchase a book for our Media Center in his/her name. -
Cell Phone
Possession of a wireless communication device that disrupts the educational process is a violation. Cellular phones, camera phones, and pagers are prohibited at all times during class unless specifically instructed to do so as part of the lesson.
In order to better serve the students and you, we are asking your cooperation in eliminating the use of office phones for personal calls and messages to individual students. Classes
WILL NOT be interrupted with messages to students except in extreme emergencies.
Use of the school telephone by children is discouraged. ONLY emergency calls will be allowed. Children and parents need to preplan and be responsible for lunch money, homework, and required material needed for the school day. Children will not be permitted to use the telephone for these things or to make arrangements for after school activities or to request to be picked up after school. Please go over the use of school telephones with your child. -
Clinic and Medications and Insurance
All first aid, if feasible, is administered in the office. Parents are contacted if an illness or an accident has any appearance of a serious nature. A minimum of two people on our staff are certified in first aid.
Under School Board policy, students may not have medication at school unless an Authorization for Medication Form has been completed and is on file in the school office. The authorization for Medication Form is available in the school office should your child need to be administered any medication during the school day.
WE NEED TO KNOW WHERE TO REACH YOU. It is of the utmost importance that the school office has a current telephone number and an emergency number in case of illness or accident while your child is at school.
The clinic will have a copy of your Emergency Dismissal Form. Please be sure to notify the school office if there are any changes in this information during the school year.INSURANCE PROGRAM
A STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY is offered. You have a choice of two plans - Schooltime Accident Protection or Around the Clock Protection. A Student
In-Hospital Sickness Policy is also available. Proper forms will be sent home. The forms must be sent directly to the insurance company. All claims will be handled by the insurance company, not the school. -
Emergency Drills
All Broward County Public Schools conduct regular exercises and drills at various times as outlined in the Florida Fire Code and Florida Administrative Code.
To aid in this process, every school has a designated SAFE team comprised of faculty and staff who have been specially trained on appropriate procedures to ensure every school follows safety protocol.
Discussion-based tabletop exercises are also conducted regularly with staff, faculty, and community partners, and the results of these exercises are documented and incorporated into school safety plans as necessary.
All public schools are required to conduct one (1) fire drill per month with one (1) additional occurring within the first 30 days. Additionally, public schools are required to conduct, at a minimum, six (6) emergency drills every school year that are nonconcurrent with fire drills. One emergency drill must take place within the first ten (10) days of the beginning of the school year, and the remaining drills may not occur more than forty-five (45) days apart. Four (4) of the six (6) emergency drills must address active threats. The remaining two (2) drills must address other emergency events, such as severe weather, natural disasters, hazardous materials incidents, or reunification.
Students are expected to fully participate in drills and follow the directions of faculty and staff. -
Field Trips
Field trips are scheduled to enhance a planned course of study.
Official permission slips, signed by your parent and any required fees must be brought into school before the set deadline. Forms and money will not be accepted after the deadline date.
In most cases, reservations must be made before the actual date of the field trip, therefore, money cannot be refunded.
Students who do not show academic focus or good behavior in school will not have the privilege to represent our school on a field trip. If there is a chance that a child will not show correct behavior on the trip, he/she may lose the privilege of participating in the trip.
Note: Only students at Country Isles will be allowed to go on the field trip. Parent chaperones may not bring younger or older brothers and sisters along due to insurance regulations. -
Broward County’s School Board Policy states: “The Board recognizes the importance of assigning meaningful and quality homework to students. Research indicates that schools in which homework is routinely assigned and assessed tend to have higher achieving students. Homework fosters student achievement , independence , and responsibility and serves as a vital link between the school and home. Therefore , it is the policy of Broward County Schools that meaningful and quality homework is required at all grade levels in all schools. Homework standards and procedures shall be established by each School Advisory Council.” -
Lost and Found
Children’s sweaters, coats, lunch boxes, etc., should have their names on them. Any lost items will be turned into the office. If your child has lost an item, please check at the lost and found in the cafeteria. Lost articles which are not claimed within a reasonable time will be given to charitable organizations. -
Parents & Visitors
All visitors including parents must check into the front office prior to going to any classrooms or any area on campus. An official photo identification (ID) is required. Acceptable forms of ID include the following:
- Driver’s license
- Florida’s official state identification card
- Passport
Visitor Parking
All visitors must park in the designated visitor parking spaces. Please do not park in spaces designated for faculty and staff or in the bus loop.
Transportation Pick Up/Drop Off
The crossing guards are in authority and are to be obeyed. Bicycle riders are expected to observe all bicycle safety rules including staying on the sidewalks and parking at the bike racks. Helmets are to be worn by all bicycle riders. Remember, riding a bicycle to school is a privilege. Please be sure that all bicycles are locked, because it is impossible to monitor the bike areas during the day. Remember, scooters are not allowed at school.BUS RIDERS
We want you to travel safely between home and school. In order to be safe it is necessary for you to know and obey the following rules:
1. Stay off the road while waiting for the bus.
2. No pushing or “rough-housing” while waiting for the bus.
3. The bus driver is in full charge of the bus and students.
You must obey the bus driver.
4. Stay in your seat at all times.
5. The driver has the right to assign certain seats to students to keep order on the bus.
6. Keep your arms and head inside the window.
7. Do not eat or drink while on the bus.
8. Animals, glass containers, sharp objects, balls, bats, or other similar objects may not be
carried on the bus.
9. No loud noises are permitted. Boomboxes, CD players, or radios may not be carried on the bus.
The above rules are for your safety and the safety of all the boys and girls who ride the bus. If the rules are not followed, you might be given a referral by the driver.
On the first referral, you will come to the office and discuss your actions with the assistant principal. On the second referral, you will again discuss your behavior with the assistant principal and your parents will be contacted. On the third referral, your bus privileges will be suspended for a minimum of three days. However, if behavior warrants immediate suspension can take place.
The number one threat to bus safety is student misbehavior which distracts drivers. We cannot permit this. We want this to be a safe year for Country Isles students.
You may not change buses to visit with friends. You will be placed on your regular bus, including all day-care buses. It is very important that your parents know this.
Car riders may be picked up at the front of the school or at the loop on the east side of the school. Teachers will escort Kindergarten and first grade students to the side loop. Siblings are to meet at the loop. All other car riders should use the front loop.
To insure a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal, please adhere to the following procedures:
•Please drive your car forward as far as you can to keep traffic lanes open.
•All drop-offs or pick-ups must be made at the sidewalk, not from a second lane of traffic.
•Cars may not be left unattended in the moving lane of traffic.
•Children must be escorted by an adult if they are to cross the parking lot.
•Pupils will wait on the sidewalk until your car has moved as far forward as possible.
•Never call children to your car if it is not at the curb and stopped.
•Please park only in designated parking spaces.
•Please do not use cell phones in the school zones.
•Due to safety and time issues, teachers will not be able to have conferences or conversations with parents during dismissal.
Please be patient and do not honk horns. If everyone cooperates, our regular dismissal only takes ten minutes.
Thank you for driving slowly and watching for children. -
Notify the school at least one day in advance of withdrawal. Be sure that all textbooks and library books are accounted for and that no money is owed for supplies. The transfer documentation will be issued from the office.