Screening Requests

  • Step 1 -  Review the choices on this page and find the type of request you are making.

    Step 2 - Read ALL of the information and guidelines associated with that topic/type of request.

    Step 3 - Download and fill out the Screening Application and associated forms and prepare your material accordingly.

    Step 4 - Submit your application and any related material to the Superintendent’s Screening Committee.

    Step 5 - Allow time for review of material. All requests will receive a response in writing.

    Please note: Approval of a request is not an endorsement by Broward County Public Schools. If approved, participation in any program or distribution of any material is also subject to the principal’s discretion.

Contact Information

  • Office of Communication

    600 Southeast Third Avenue

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

    Phone: 754-321-2300

    Fax: 754-321-2711

    TTL: --

    Phone: --

    Dr. Carolyn Stewart

    District Community Relations Coordinator

Strategic Plan

  • Strategic Plan