- Broward County Public Schools
- Lobbyists
List of BCPS Lobbyists
The school board is committed to conducting business in an ethical, open, and transparent manner so the citizens of Broward County can have the utmost confidence in the district.
All persons acting as lobbyists must register with the district annually and disclose the identity of the principal (see rule 2 for definition of principal) whom they represent at the beginning of every communication, when the intent of the communication is to lobby. This includes such communications with the school board, school board member(s), superintendent, school board committees, school board administrative assistants, and employees of the Broward County School Board. All lobbyists must comply with the rules set forth in this policy.
For purposes of this policy, a lobbyist is defined as any individual, firm, corporation, or other business entity who engages in lobbying for the economic gain of a principal, regardless of whether they are compensated for lobbying or not. The term lobbyist specifically includes the principal, as well as any agent, officer, or employee of a principal regardless of whether or not the employee's normal scope of employment includes lobbying activities.
Lobbyists List
Lobbyist Database