• Mrs. Rossi
    Mrs. Rossi in first grade courtyard wearing a green T shirt that reads Teacher, Teach, Love, and Inspire

    Mrs. Rossi was born in Hialeah, Florida and graduated from FAU. Away from school Mrs. Rossi enjoys rollerblading and reading novels. Her favorite children's author is Eric Carle. Her favorite foods are pasta and french fries.Yummy!

    Mrs. Rossi's favorite subject to teach is math and has been working with children for over 10 years. She loves our community and even went to school here. Can you believe that she was actually a Country Isles student and now she is teaching here! Pretty cool! She just adores being with children and enjoys watching them grow. Her funniest memorable moment is when she ripped her pants and all the children started to laugh. We all know she is a great teacher here and now you do too.