We Care - Know The Rules

  • The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC) consists of nine elected School Board Members who serve four-year terms. Two of the School Board Members are elected “at large” by all of the electors in Broward County. The other seven School Board Members are elected from seven school board member residence areas. The School Board Members, along with the Superintendent, oversee the sixth-largest District in the nation. The SBBC implements policies that govern ethical, fiduciary, and scholastic mandates, protocols, and procedures for the District's schools, offices, and departments subject to any applicable federal, state, or local laws. The SBBC answers to the residents and taxpayers of Broward County in an ethical, open, and transparent manner. 

    A school principal may supplement District policies by outlining rules specific to the school such as uniform colors, cell phone usage areas, and drop off/pick up times. However, school rules are limited in scope and do not supersede school district policies.

  • Anonymous/Non-Anonymous Security Tip Reporting

    Call 911 immediately in an emergency.

    Submit a safety or security tip that is not an emergency directly to the District Security Operations Center (DSOC), open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (including holidays). CLICK or TAP on the icon below.

    See something, say something
    From there, choose the reporting tool that works best for you by learning more about how they work and how easy they are to use.   

    What to report: Please report safety and security threats, bullying and harassing behaviors, illegal activity, self-endangerment behaviors, etc.

    Details are everything: Please provide as many details as you can, such as names and physical description of anyone involved, school location, social media handles, date of when threats are supposed to occur, etc.

    We respect your privacy and care about your safety. Your tip is shared only with investigators and administrators assigned to the tip.

    Remember, helping is not the same as snitching. We are counting on you to help us help a friend.
    Be a Broward Buddy, Report a Tip!

  • Absence Reporting/Attendance

    Report an Absence Online

    According to SBBC Policy 5.5: All students under 16 are required to attend school every day of the 180-day school year. Absences are established by tardiness, early sign-outs, or absences for all or part of any day. The maximum number of acceptable absences is 5 days. Additionally, please note that students may not be released after 1:45 p.m.

    1. Parents have 2 days (48 hours) in which to report an absence.
    2. The Attendance Policy allows eight (8) reasons for absence to be excused.
    3. Make up work for credit and grade is allowed for ALL absences. Learn more about Homework/Makeup Work.

  • Arrival/Tardy/Dismissal


    Students must arrive at school on time every day. The first bell rings at X:XX AM. Students should be in class by the second bell at X:XX AM. 


    Students arriving after 7:40 AM will be considered TARDY. Students who are tardy to school and have a valid reason (illness, illness of an immediate family member, death in the family, required court appearance, schedule doctor or dentist appointment, etc./refer to p. 10 of the Code of Student Conduct) should bring a note with them, specifying the reason for the tardiness, and check in at the designated area of the school and then report immediately to class.


    The dismissal time is X:XX PM. All students are expected to remain in school for the entire school day. If students are dismissed early, they must be picked up by X:XX PM. No students will be dismissed 30 minutes prior to the last bell for safety reasons. 

  • Cell Phone

    Possession of a wireless communication device that disrupts the educational process is a violation. Cellular phones, camera phones, and pagers are prohibited at all times during class unless specifically instructed to do so as part of the lesson.

  • Emergency Drills

    All Broward County Public Schools conduct regular exercises and drills at various times as outlined in the Florida Fire Code and Florida Administrative Code.

    To aid in this process, every school has a designated SAFE team comprised of faculty and staff who have been specially trained on appropriate procedures to ensure every school follows safety protocol.

    Discussion-based tabletop exercises are also conducted regularly with staff, faculty, and community partners, and the results of these exercises are documented and incorporated into school safety plans as necessary.  

    All public schools are required to conduct one (1) fire drill per month with one (1) additional occurring within the first 30 days. Additionally, public schools are required to conduct, at a minimum, six (6) emergency drills every school year that are nonconcurrent with fire drills. One emergency drill must take place within the first ten (10) days of the beginning of the school year, and the remaining drills may not occur more than forty-five (45) days apart. Four (4) of the six (6) emergency drills must address active threats. The remaining two (2) drills must address other emergency events, such as severe weather, natural disasters, hazardous materials incidents, or reunification.

    Students are expected to fully participate in drills and follow the directions of faculty and staff.

  • Dress Code

    The dress code rules enforced at our school align directly with the District's Unified School Dress - Policy 5309. Review the District policies outlined on this page for more information.

    Appropriate dress and grooming can help to create a positive learning environment. Other attire may be allowed for special school activities with the approval of the school administration. Possible consequences for violating the dress code are found in the Discipline Matrix. Changes in clothing trends will not override the dress code policy.

    While students are allowed to wear comfortable and stylish clothes, certain items of dress are prohibited. Among these are dresses, skirts, and shorts that are mid-thigh, see-through clothing, tube or tank tops, tops that show the torso, halter tops, strapless or backless tops, spaghetti straps and jackets over these items are not permitted.  Additionally, hats (worn or held), doo-rags, zoris, shower shoes, bedroom slippers, and any clothes that have messages that are indecent, racially, religiously or sexually offensive, suggestive, associated with gangs, or encourage the use of drugs or alcohol.  Cell phones must be off and out of sight from 7:20am to 2:40pm (including lunch).  Playing cards, I-Pods, beepers and other electronic devices are prohibited as per School Board Policy and will be confiscated.

    ALLOWED - Backless shoes

    ALLOWED - Unhemmed clothing

    NOT ALLOWED - Suggestive, revealing, or indecent clothing. This includes, but is not limited to, clothing that exposes private body parts and/or displays pictures or words that have a sexual connotation.

    NOT ALLOWED - Belts, bracelets, wallet chains, collars with spikes, or heavy link chains that may cause injury.

  • Drugs, Tobacco & Vaping

    (Includes, but not limited to Juul, Vapes with Tobacco or THC, Alcohol, Medications, Drug Paraphernalia, and any Mind/Mood Altering Substance)

    The use, possession, sale, attempted sale, or transmittal of tobacco or tobacco-related products on school property, school-sponsored transportation, or during a school-sponsored activity is prohibited.

    • The use, possession, and/or being under the influence of mood-altering substances is prohibited.
    • Use/possession of unauthorized substances is prohibited.
    • Being under the influence of unauthorized substances is prohibited.
    • Sale, attempted sale, and/or transmittal is prohibited.


  • ID Badges

    Students will be issued an ID Badge at the beginning of the school year. Students must have an ID Badge to purchase meals, tickets to school events, use the media center, and receive hall passes and other school-related functions. If a student does not have an ID Badge, he or she may purchase a replacement badge or an obligation will be incurred. This is for school safety. The ID Badge must be carried with the student at all times while on campus or attending school activities.

  • Make Up Work

    All students are expected to make up classwork missed during an excused absence.  For absences due to (a) illness of student, (b) illness of an immediate family member, (c) death in the family, the student has two days to make up the work for each day the student is absent, not counting the day of return.

    Regardless of the reason, students will be able to make up work for their absences. It is critical that students remain current with their classroom work in order for them to be successful in the learning process.

  • Parents & Visitors

    All visitors including parents must check into the attendance office prior to going to any classrooms or any area on campus. An official photo identification (ID) is required. Acceptable forms of ID include the following:

    • Driver’s license 
    • Florida’s official state identification card
    • Passport

    Parents are always welcome and tours will be arranged to view the school. All persons visiting the school must first report to the security desk. Students are not permitted to bring friends to school. Any person on campus without proper authorization will be considered a trespasser and will be subject to arrest.

  • Parking

    Visitor Parking

    All visitors must park in the designated visitor parking spaces. Please do not park in spaces designated for faculty and staff or in the bus loop. 

    Student Parking

    Students must have a decal to park in the student parking areas. 

    Please do not leave valuables in your car.


    All student cars parked on campus must be registered with the school and properly display a parking decal. Students must display their driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance to purchase a decal. Failure to follow the parking rules and/or unsafe operation of a vehicle on campus will result in disciplinary action and loss of parking privileges.

    • The school is not responsible for theft or damage to cars.
    • No loitering is permitted in the parking lots.
    • Repeat offenders will have their cars towed at their own expense.
    • Cars parking illegally on campus will be ticketed and towed

    Students must follow the Student Conduct and Code Book rules and the parking rules established by Plantation High School. Parking is a privilege on our campus and decals will be taken away from students with attendance or behavior problems. If a student’s decal is taken away there will not be a refund and the student will not be permitted to park on campus.  Please see a member of the security team for more information.

  • Pick Up/Drop Off

    Controlling School Traffic is Essential for Safety

    Students should be picked up and dropped off at the car loops only.  Parents wishing to park should walk their children to the front gate. For safety reasons, parents are not allowed to walk their children to their classrooms.

    Parents, please do not drop off or pick up your student(s) from/on the roadway, while in the school zone around Plantation High School.

    County/city bus riders: use the crosswalk at NW 16th Street and Sunrise Blvd.  Do not cross against traffic, while attempting to cross Sunrise Blvd, violators will be ticketed.

  • Restrooms

    Clean restrooms are located throughout the campus for student use before and after school, between class periods, and during lunch periods. Loitering and socializing are prohibited. Students must have a pass from a teacher to use the restrooms during class time. Smoking is prohibited.

  • Searches

    Reasonable suspicion of possession of illegal materials may result in a search of person, possessions, locker, and vehicle.

  • Sexual Harassment

    Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment can occur in all types of circumstances and relationships:

    • Between or among individuals of different sexes or the same sex.
    • In relationships of unequal power (for example, between supervisor and employees, faculty member and student).
    • In relationships of equal power (for example, between fellow employees or fellow students). 

    Examples of sexual harassment are:

    • Suggestive or inappropriate communication, notes, drawing, etc.
    • Suggestive or insulting sounds, obscene gestures.
    • Patting, pinching or other inappropriate touching.
    • Coerced sexual intercourse
    • Sexual assault

    If you are being sexually harassed:

    • Remember that it is NOT YOUR FAULT
    • Do not ignore it; silence appears to give consent.
    • Speak up; tell the perpetrator to stop in a clear and firm manner.
    • Confide in somebody.  (Friend, teacher, counselor or administrator).

    The school’s mission is to protect all members of the community.  Any student who has knowledge of sexual harassment is encouraged to report it to the appropriate dean, counselor, teacher, or principal.

  • Student Withdrawals

    The registrar’s office is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM for withdrawals.  Please be sure to return school supplies (textbooks, PE lockers, uniforms, etc.) at the time of or before the withdrawal to avoid receiving an obligation.  For more information regarding withdrawing your student please contact Mrs. Gately at 754-322-1864.

    For more information on the Enrollment and Withdrawal Policy 5.1 and other SBBC policies please visit All SBBC Policies.

  • Textbooks

    All textbooks and library books issued to the students are the property of the state and school.  These books are purchased with tax money.  The student must properly care for his/her books.  The books are to be covered and are not to be marked.  If a book is lost or damaged; a fine will be assessed and the student will be listed as having a financial obligation.


    Tuesday and Thursday ONLY

    7:20 AM - 7:35 AM

    2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

    Students MUST have a School ID to get textbooks.

  • Unsupervised Students

    Students may not loiter unsupervised on campus after normal school hours. An adult sponsor must be with students during after-school activities. Students repeatedly arriving early or staying late will be referred to Child Net.

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