PSAT 10/ NMSQT Test Date: Wednesday October 11, 2023
- Administered to all 9th and 10th Graders enrolled in a Broward County Public School at no charge.
- 9th and 10th grade students are enrolled for the PSAT 10 by Broward County Public Schools.
- Students can prepare for the PSAT 10/ NMSQT by reviewing the PSAT 10 Student Guide
- PSAT Student Flyer
- Select 11th graders can sign up and pay to take the PSAT NMSQT.
- Sale beings October 03, 2023 and ends October 05, 2023 . The cost is $ 19.00 Students must make payments on online at Broward County Public Schools Payments.
- Juniors who qualify for free and reduced lunch can take the PSAT NMSQT for free. To register to take the PSAT NMSQT please see Mr. Menzel in the Guidance office.
- Grade 11 students only get one opportunity to qualify for National Merit.
- Juniors who have not met their Algebra 1 EOC graduation requirement can take the PSAT NMSQT for a concordant score.
- The PSAT 10/ NMSQT Math test is a concordant score for the Algebra 1 EOC. Students who score a 430 on the Math portion of the PSAT 10 have met the Algebra 1 EOC graduation requirement.
- Students can prepare for the PSAT NMSQT by reviewing the PSAT NMSQT Official Student Guide/Practice Tests.
- Only testing accommodations approved by College Board will be provided for students.
- Mid- December College Board releases online score reports. Students can log in to their College Board account for a detailed score report. Official paper score reports are delivered to the school in January.
- PSAT scores are only sent to colleges if the student chooses to participate in College Board’s Student Search Service®
- College Board has formed a partnership with Khan Academy. Student scores for the PSAT 9 and PSAT 10 are entered into Khan Academy. Khan Academy provides personalized SAT tutoring that reinforces the student’s academic strengths while remediating their weaknesses. For information on how to log into Khan Academy contact your English teacher.
- PSAT 10/ NMSQT Administration Information
- Administered to all 9th and 10th Graders enrolled in a Broward County Public School at no charge.