Athletic Scholarships
According to the Annual Survey of Colleges, published by The College Board, the average annual cost of a two and four-year public and private university (tuition and fees) for 2021-2022 is $3,440 for 2 year- community college, $9,410, in- state public college, $23,890, out of state public college and $32,410, private college respectively. The one-year value of athletic scholarships awarded to our students is in excess of $6,561,374. The athletic scholarships awarded are renewable annually by the post-secondary institutions. This scholarship data clearly reflects that interscholastic high school athletics provides an economic and educational return to our students.
To support scholarship opportunities for the student athletes, we sponsor over thirty special events designed to interest college recruiters including: BCAA Small College Recruiting Fair, BCAA All-Star Football Game, BCAA Baseball, Basketball and Football Combines and All-Star contests in volleyball, softball, baseball, soccer, water polo, track and field, wrestling, competitive cheerleading and flag football.
College is an investment for a lifetime. The College Board reports “Bachelor degree recipients earn 80% more on average than those with only a high school diploma.” Over a lifetime, the gap in earning potential between the high school diploma and the BA or higher exceeds $800,000. It is important to recognize and acknowledge our athletic directors and athletic coaches at both the middle and high school levels for their support in assisting student athletes achieve their collegiate goals.