Middle School Eligibility


    The Broward County Public Schools Standards of Service Policy (6000.1) embraces national, state, and district standards of excellence in regard to student performance.

    Through the establishment of high educational standards, students will successfully compete at the highest levels of their abilities nationally and internationally and will be better prepared to make well-reasoned, thoughtful, and healthy lifelong decisions. The school system is committed to the continuous progress of education for its students.

    Eligibility to participate in interscholastic and extra-curricular activities is considered a privilege. The district’s Student Code of Conduct sets forth the educational requirements to participate in interscholastic athletics.


    1. Students who turn 15 years of age on or before August 31 of the current school year are ineligible to participate in middle school athletic contests.
    2. To be academically eligible a student must have been regularly promoted and must maintain 2.0 grade point average or above on a 4.0 unweighted scale for each marking period. If a student fails more than one    subject in a marking period they become ineligible.  A student’s status with regard to eligibility takes effect on the day report cards are issued (P.29 Broward County Code and Conduct Book).  An incoming 6th grader is automatically eligible until the end of the first nine weeks.  If an athletes GPA falls below the required unweighted  2.0, he/she receives more than one “U” in conduct or receives an ‘F’ in more than one course as indicated on the athlete’s report card on the day it is issued, he/ she becomes IMMEDIATELY ineligible.
    3. A student who receives more than one “U” conduct grade is ineligible for the following marking period.
    4. In the event of any disciplinary action taken by the courts a student’s eligibility will be determined by policy established by the School Board of Broward County, Florida.
    5. To be eligible to compete in the MSAA playoffs, a student must have been a PARTICIPATING MEMBER of that school’s team for at LEAST ONE HALF OF THAT SCHOOL’S REGULAR SEASON.


    • Every athlete is required to have proof of insurance on file in the middle school’s athletic department.
    • If an athlete does not have personal/family insurance, 24-hour accident/injury insurance can be purchased from a School Board approved vendor through the local middle school. See the school Athletic Director for more information.
    • The type of insurance the athlete has must be declared on the Parental Permission and Insurance form, as well as a current copy of the insurance card submitted with the form. The parent or guardian must sign the form.


    • Each athlete is required to undergo a pre-participation physical evaluation and be certified as being physically fit for participation in interscholastic athletics. The physical evaluation IS VALID FOR ONE YEAR from the date that is was administered. The athlete and parent or guardian must sign this form. This form is to be kept on file in the high school’s Athletic Department.


    The district recognizes that while families have the primary responsibility for teaching character, we know that the best way to influence student behavior is to have good character modeled by respected adults in their environment. The School Board of Broward County has adopted eight (8) characteristics as part of the Broward County Public Schools’ Standards of Service Policy (6000.1). Through integrating character education into existing school activities, we will continue to provide quality education in a safe and secure learning environment. For more information on Character Education, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct Book.

    The eight characters of education are:

    • Responsibility
    • Citizenship
    • Kindness
    • Respect
    • Honesty
    • Self-Control
    • Tolerance
    • Cooperation

    Participation in sports and extra-curricular activities helps prepare students to become productive citizens. The eight character traits assist students in learning the importance of teamwork sportsmanship, and self-discipline. Through integrating character education into athletic and extra-curricular activities, we will continue to ensure that all students receive a quality education, within a safe and secure learning environment.