- Coral Springs High School
- Course Selection Forms
Please select your 9th grade courses below:1. Students will take 8 classes all year long (7 courses plus one Study Hall/Personalization Period). 2. Students will choose an appropriate English, Math, Science and Social Studies course based on course progression guidelines and teacher recommendations. Course progressions are based on student grades and FSA scores. 2. Students need to choose courses for English, Math, Science and Social Studies and Electives (Including World Language). Any course with an asterisk (*) must have the appropriate teacher’s approval. 3. Students will need to select 3 alternate elective courses and list those at the end of the survey 4. Student and parent typed signatures confirm that you understand that the course selections are final except for changes needed due to the completion of summer school or courses cancelled due to low enrollments. Intensive Classes: (1) Keep in mind that students who score a Level 1 on the Reading FSA will be placed in Intensive Reading. If this is the case, the student will lose one of his/herforms.office.com
Please select your 10th-12th grade courses below: