

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Nicole Alexander

Nicole Alexander began her educational career in Amherst, Massachusetts, working with students in a middle school Exceptional Student Education program. Upon moving to Fort Lauderdale, Ms. Alexander was hired as a 3rd-grade teacher at Meadowbrook Elementary where she remained for 8 years. While working on her Education Specialist degree in Reading, Nicole transferred to Eagle Point Elementary to work as the K-5 reading coach. To round out her portfolio, Nicole earned her doctoral degree in Instructional Technology and Distance Education. 

Nicole was hired to work as an online instructor for Sheridan Technical College's Adult Basic Education program. While working online proved to be quite a change from the traditional classroom setting, it was warmly welcomed! Most of her time is spent with the Career and Technical Education (CTE)side of STHS. She helps students to choose technical programs and acts as a liaison between the CTE teachers and high school students.