Dear Parent,

    The following information is to assist you, as the parent/guardian, with providing health information required for your child by Broward County Public Schools. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact your school.
    Medical Examination

    All students entering Broward County Public Schools for the first time must have a medical examination performed within one year of registration. The medical examination should be documented on the Florida Department of Health Form 3040 or on the provider’s office/medical facility stationery. The appropriate form/stationary should be completed, signed and dated by the healthcare provider.
    Communicable Diseases/Illnesses

    Please inform the school if your child is out sick with a diagnosed communicable illness such as meningitis, measles, salmonella, etc.
    Please keep your child home if your child has:
    •Flu-like symptoms
    •Fever greater than 100.4 degrees
    •Sore throat, coughs, chills, and/or body aches
    •Rashes, yellow eye drainage, or greenish-yellow phlegm from a cough or cold, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

    Chronic Health Conditions
    If your child has any of the following health conditions, including, but not limited to, asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, seizures, allergic reactions to food, insect bites, etc., please inform the school.

    Parents should:
    •Document the chronic health condition on the Student Emergency Contact Card and complete the history on the back of the card.
    •Meet with school administration to discuss care of the student while at school
    •If the student is on medication, provide the school with a current Medication Authorization form signed by the healthcare provider and parent

    Note: A Diabetes Medication/Treatment Authorization form must be completed by the healthcare provider and parent for students with diabetes. Students who received insulin via an insulin pump must also complete an Insulin Pump Medication/Treatment Authorization form.

    Medication Administration at School (Prescription or Over-the-Counter)
    •If your child needs to take over-the-counter (OTC) or prescribed medication at school or on a field trip, an Authorization for Medication/Treatment form must be completed and signed by the healthcare provider and parent
    •Parents must transport/deliver ALL medications to school staff in the original, labeled container (unless your child is authorized to carry their medication per the Authorization for Medication/Treatment form)
    Authorization for Selected Over-the-Counter Medication (OTC) with Parental Approval Grades 9-12 Only
    •If your child needs to take over-the-counter (OTC) medication at school or on a field trip, an Authorization for Selected Over-the-CounterMedication (OTC) with Parental Approval Only form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian, student and be notarized
    •Self-carry, self-administration of the selected over-the-counter medications only:
    Authorization for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Topical Products with Parental Approval Only
    •Students in all grade levels are permitted to self-carry and self-administer bug, insect, mosquito repellent (wipes, towelettes or lotions only) and sunscreen (no aerosol products permitted.
    •An Authorization for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Topical Products with Parental Approval Only form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian

    Note: Plan ahead for field trips if your child needs medication for an overnight trip that he/she may not normally take at school. Update changes to your child’s health condition as they occur.
    Immunizations (Please refer to F.S. 1003.22)
    •Make sure your child’s required immunizations are up to date. If you are not sure, you can check with your healthcare provider or the FloridaDepartment of Health-Broward at (954) 467-4700
    •Parents may obtain medical exemptions from their healthcare provider or a religious exemption from the Florida Department of Health-Broward
    School Health Centers, Community Resources, Immunizations & Health Care
    •Information is available on Broward County Public Schools website at http://www.browardhealthservices.com/resources/
    •If you do not have insurance, you can request an application for Florida KidCare Insurance at your child’s school
    Florida Heiken Children’s Vision Program
    •The Florida Heiken Children’s Vision Program provides vision examinations and eyeglasses when prescribed, to students in need of comprehensive vision services at no cost to the student.
    •Eligible students for the program must meet the criteria of the Free and Reduced Lunch Program and have failed the vision screening
    •The Florida Children’s Vision Program consent form will be sent home during the first week of school for parent/guardian signature
    •If your child meets the above criteria and you would like your child to participate in the program, please complete, sign and return the consent form to the school

    Additional information on school entry requirements is available at http://www.browardhealthservices.com/parent-information/registration-requirements/.
    If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school.