Softball Banner
  • General Information and forms

    Season: Spring (January to May)

    Head Coach: Phil Schmalz

    Contact Information:

    Schedule: TBA

    Requirements: Those trying out will be evaluated on hitting, fielding, and attitude.  You must maintain good grades to participate.  Athletes will do fundraising to cut the cost of equipment.  You must perform on and off the field.  Must have a minimum 2.0 GPA.

    Mandatory Conditioning: Jan 6, 8, 13, 15; 4 pm at the CCHS Softball Field 

    Tryouts begin on Jan 21 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  They will last at least three days.  Practices for JV and Varsity follow tryout dates. 

    • JV practice is at 3 pm
    • Varsity is at 6 pm on weekdays.


    Phil Schmalz 

    Cell:  305-793-4573 

    All paperwork must be submitted and approved on Aktivate before trying out.