Club Banner


    Maya Vézina : President

    Dawn-A’leice Rosier : Vice President 1

    Shabety Verduga : Vice President 2

    Sarah Mohammed : Historian

    Erika Poirier : Secretary

    Jason Xu : Treasurer


    Club Advisor

    Mr. Abaya

    Email :


    Meeting info 

    1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month

    2 :45-3 :30

    Room 4025


    Social Media

    Instagram: scienceclubofcchs

    Remind: cc-sciclub


    Mission Statement

    Cooper City High School’s Science Clubs aims to inspire curiosity and a love for science through creating a fun and inclusive environment

     for everyone who joins. Through engaging in hands-on experiments, our goal is to show the exciting, interactive side of science,

     encouraging students to question, discover, and explore the way the world functions around them.



    Membership Information

    Dues cover the cost of a club shirt, dates for sales are TBD


    Contact Information

    President’s Email Address :

    Sponsor’s Email Address :


Science Flyer